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Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan

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CARE - Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan Empty Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan

Mesaj Scris de Admin Dum Iul 17, 2016 2:03 am

ia cititi ce scrie Spânu , le zice bine jupânu  lol! lol! lol!
Ciudata lovitură de stat din Turcia
Trebuia să moară oameni” - vă amintiţi nefericita expresie a lui Iohannis după „Revoluţia Colectiv”? Cam aşa mi se pare mie că ar putea să spună şi Erdogan după „lovitura de stat” din noaptea trecută din Turcia! 194 de morţi în acest simulacru de lovitură de stat, faţă de 42 de morţi în ultimul atentat cu bombă.
De ce spun că această lovitură de stat este „ciudată”? Poate fi surprinzătoare această expresie pentru cei care s-au uitat la televiziunile noastre de ştiri, unde s-au perindat atîţia politicieni şi „experţi militari” care, din primele momente, s-au grăbit să-i cînte prohodul preşedintelui Turciei, amintind de toate derapajele democratice de care a fost acuzat pînă acum şi care l-au făcut extrem de nepopular în rîndul populaţiei!
Priveam la televizor evenimentele din Turcia şi, în ciuda tancurilor de pe străzi, îi spuneam unui prieten la telefon că mi se pare că această lovitură de stat pare o făcătură a lui Erdogan, care, pînă dimineaţa, îl va face mai popular şi mai puternic!
Ce m-a făcut să cred că, în realitate, ceea ce vedeam la televizor nu a fost decît un joc tragic real (la fel ca în celebrul film„Şi caii se împuşcă, nu-i aşa?”) au fost cîteva elemente obligatorii care lipseau din evenimentele din Turcia. Iată cîteva:
- O lovitură de stat vine totdeauna pe un suport popular. Puciştii speculează acest lucru şi nu declanşează o lovitură de stat decît atunci cînd sînt siguri că au susţinerea populaţiei, în aşa fel încît presiunea asupra Puterii să pară ca fiind un lucru dorit de toată lumea. În Turcia, deşi Erdogan era extrem de nepopular, populaţia a ieşit în stradă să-l apere!
- Primul lucru urmărit de pucişti este arestarea liderilor de la Putere, în principal a preşedintelui şi a prim-ministrului. În Turcia nu s-a întîmplat acest lucru: Erdogan era în concediu şi intra în direct la o televiziune privată, iar premierul dădea declaraţii la toate posturile TV care-l solicitau.
- Interviurile lui Erdogan s-au făcut pe un telefon mobil, deşi o televiziune putea prelua imaginile în regia de emisie pentru a fi difuzate pe întregul ecran! Asta arăta intenţia de a spori misterul intervenţiei lui Erdogan, un fel de clandestinitate în care s-ar afla preşedintele Turciei. Pentru mine, a fost clar atunci că se urmărea un anumit efect asupra populaţiei!
- În orice lovitură de stat există lideri care anunţă intenţiile celor care vor să preia Puterea! În Turcia, aceştia nu au apărut şi nu au transmis nici un mesaj, ca şi cînd nu ar fi existat! Chiar în cazul unui puci militar, cineva apare la TV şi anunţă că după ce va fi înlăturat regimul de la Putere, vor fi organizate alegeri democratice într-un anumit interval de timp rezonabil, în aşa fel încît statele lumii să înţeleagă că ţara rămîne pe o traiectorie democratică. Aceste elemente au lipsit cu desăvîrşire în timpul „loviturii de stat” din Turcia, ca şi cum, pur şi simplu, armata a ieşit pe stradă doar pentru o demonstraţie de forţă, fără obiective politice.
- Armata a anunţat că a ocupat Parlamentul, dar acolo, în miezul nopţii, nu era nimeni!
- Turcia a trecut acum cîteva săptămîni printr-un atentat în aeroportul Ataturk şi am văzut populaţia disperată, alergînd de mama focului în faţa unor explozii provocate de 3 terorişti. Acum, aceeaşi populaţie a ieşit în faţa tancurilor, cu mîinile goale!
- În octombrie anul trecut, în urma unui dublu atentat, Opoziţia din Turcia a scos în stradă peste 10.000 de oameni care au scandat „Erdogan ucigaș”! Acum, după un atentat, în timpul acestei „lovituri de stat”, Opoziţia din Turcia nici nu şi-a făcut apariţia, deşi, în mod logic, trebuia să apară ca adversar al regimului Erdogan, dispusă să preia Puterea.
- Pe acest fond, apelul lui Erdogan către populaţie de a ieşi în stradă pentru a se opune Armatei este ciudat, ilogic şi nepotrivit, căci ostilitatea populaţiei faţă de el ar fi trebuit să ducă la sprijinul armatei şi al loviturii de stat! Or, ce am văzut noi la TV era ca şi cum Erdogan s-ar fi bucurat de o mare popularitate!
Toate acestea şi multe altele m-au făcut să cred din primele ore că Erdogan nu a fost străin de „lovitura de stat” organizată împotriva sa, ba, din contră, cred că a urmărit-o cu atenţie, ca şi cum el însuşi ar fi fost în spatele acesteia!
Cineva ar putea să creadă că am luat-o razna şi mi-ar pune întrebarea ce ar cîştiga Erdogan dintr-un asemenea joc care a făcut 194 de morţi. O întrebare legitimă la care se cuvine să răspundem:
- În primul rînd, Erdogan a ieşit din această „lovitură de stat” mult mai întărit, putînd să invoce susţinerea populară, aşa cum a făcut la noi Ion Iliescu în timpul Revoluţiei din 1989.
- Erdogan va putea acum să arate cu degetul împotriva vinovaţilor pentru cei 194 de morţi. În mod cert, vinovaţi vor fi făcuţi tocmai adversarii lui Erdogan, cei care i-au cam slăbit puterea în aceşti ani! Acum va scăpa de ei.
- În sprijinul lui Erdogan s-au pronunţat aproape toţi marii lideri europeni, precum şi cei din America, lucru greu de imaginat dacă „lovitura de stat” ar fi fost reală sau nu ar fi avut loc.
- Erdogan, care era văzut pînă ieri ca un lider autoritar care încălca drepturile oamenilor, al libertăţii de expresie, este acum văzut ca un „emanat” (vă amintiţi expresia?) al loviturii de stat, omul care a salvat Turcia de haos.
Una peste alta, „lovitura de stat” din Turcia îmi pare a fi un aranjament politic cu consecinţe tragice, un fel de „Colectiv invers”, în care „era nevoie să moară oameni” pentru ca Erdogan să devină liderul maxim într-un moment cînd părea că devine unul cu o minimă putere! Nu ştiu ce mă face să cred că această „lovitură de stat” va intra în cărţile de istorie sub altă denumire!
P.S. Un singur om a avut rezerve faţă de lovitura de stat din Turcia: Constantin Degeratu, fostul şef al Marelui Stat Major al Armatei Române, care, la TVR, în timpul evenimentelor, a atras atenţia că ar trebui să avem răbdare înainte de a ne pronunţa dacă în Turcia a fost sau nu o adevărată lovitură de stat. A fost însă acoperit de politicienii şi „experţii militari” care s-au băgat în seamă. Între aceştia a fost chiar „expertul militar” Adela Popescu, nimeni alta decît fosta secretară a lui Gabriel Oprea, decorată de doi preşedinţi, inclusiv Iohannis, care este şi pe lista plagiatorilor Academiei Naţionale de Informaţii, în teza de doctorat efectuată, evident, sub conducerea lui Gabriel Oprea!

Ultima editare efectuata de catre Admin in Dum Iul 17, 2016 10:01 am, editata de 1 ori

Mesaje : 10767
Data de înscriere : 05/11/2012

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CARE - Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan Empty Turkey's Failed Coup: "A Gift from God" or from Washington?

Mesaj Scris de Admin Dum Iul 17, 2016 9:43 am

July 18, 2016 (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - The coup this weekend that rocked Turkey was a particularly spectacular geopolitical development. Theories abound regarding who was behind it and their motivations for carrying out what ultimately proved an apparently failed attempt at removing the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

CARE - Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan Gettyimages-576538742

Still, it is too early to tell, as facts are far from forthcoming. However, it is possible to discern the most plausible possibilities based on the subsequent actions taken by various potential players who may have been involved in the coup attempt.

US Faces Serious Accusations 

The most significant of these actions is President Erdogan's own accusations against the United States for having engineered the coup in collaboration with self-exiled Turkish political figure, Fethullah Gulen.

The UK Independent in its article, "Turkey coup: Tensions between US and Erdogan administration rise after failed power grab," would report that:

Tensions between Turkey and the US have escalated following the attempted coup against the Erdogan administration, with the country's leader demanding the extradition of a US-based cleric accused of orchestrating the violence. Another senior official has directly blamed the United States.

Indeed, tensions "rising" might seem like an understatement if Turkey truly believed the US was behind the coup attempt. In essence, Turkey is accusing the United States of backing an attempted assassination of Turkey's president, the bombing of the Turkish parliament building, the strafing of Turkish citizens from the air, and the deployment of heavy armor in Turkey's streets.

In essence, Turkey has accused the United States of an overt and egregious act of war.

Turkey's Actions Fall Short Vis-a-Vis the Scale of its Accusations 

However, considering the gravity of Turkey's accusations against the United States, its actions so far have been disproportionately subdued. No one is suggesting that Turkey would "go to war" with the United States, but even amid diplomatic rows of far lesser significance, nations have expelled diplomats and withdrawn the use of their territory for specific uses by the nation in question. Turkey, so far, has done none of this in regards to the United States.

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In the coming week, should Turkey fail to take even these most basic punitive - even cautionary measures, it would appear Turkey's accusations are a distraction - but a distraction from what?

The Purge. 

The BBC in its article, "Turkey coup arrests hit 6,000 as Erdogan roots out 'virus'," reports that:

Arrests in Turkey after Friday's failed coup have risen to around 6,000, with President Erdogan vowing to purge state bodies of the "virus" that caused it. 

At a funeral for one of the victims, Mr Erdogan again blamed US-based Turkish cleric Fethullah Gulen for the plot. Mr Gulen strongly denies any involvement. 

High-ranking military officers and 2,700 judges are among those held.

Beyond Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin, one would be hard pressed to cite a political purge of this scale. Despite the sweeping scale of the mass arrests - the Western media has reported on them without the sensational hysteria that generally accompanies the arrest of even one US-backed opposition member in any other nation. The scale of the arrests are such that preparations for them must have been made ahead of time, calling into question the very nature of the coup itself.

The Coup Was a "Gift From God" 

A Reuters report titled, "Turkey rounds up plot suspects after thwarting coup against Erdogan," would state (emphasis added):

"They will pay a heavy price for this," said Erdogan, launching a purge of the armed forces, which last used force to stage a successful coup more than 30 years ago. "This uprising is a gift from God to us because this will be a reason to cleanse our army."
President Erdogan, heading a NATO-member state and a stalwart US ally, receiving a "gift from God" from an alleged political opponent lodging in the United States, raises serious suspicions over the true motivation behind the coup. While it appeared as a convincing attempt to oust President Erdogan from power, it ultimately failed and instead provided him with the perfect context to uproot the military "deep state" both his political allies and US policymakers have sought to eradicate for decades.

Despite the apparent "rift" between the United States and Turkey's president, it should be noted that for the past 5 years particularly, President Erdogan and his government have played a key role in US-led regime change operations in neighboring Syria. It was President Erdogan's anti-secular factions, including factions within Turkish intelligence and within the military itself, that trained, armed, equipped, and provided cover for terrorists operating within, along, and over the Turkish-Syrian border.

CARE - Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan ISIS_Convoys
Image: A torrent of supplies cross the Turkish border into Syria destined for Al Qaeda and the self-proclaimed "Islamic State." The US and Turkey have done little to expose this, saying nothing of their inaction to stop it. It was only Russian airstrikes along the border that have finally brought the torrent down to a trickle. 
Without President Erdogan's stalwart support, US designs in Syria would have been untenable even before they began. While the US poses as "fighting" terrorist organizations in Syria, it has consistently neglected any attempt to secure the Turkish-Syrian border over which the summation of material support for these terrorist organizations is passing. It must be remembered that not only are the US and Turkey cooperating in regards to Syria, the US has troops stationed within Turkey itself, engaged in various aspects of the ongoing violence in Syria.

US intelligence agencies have admittedly operated along the Turkish-Syrian border since as early as the beginning of 2012, according to the New York Times article, "Arms Airlift to Syria Rebels Expands, With C.I.A. Aid," 

A Crucial Litmus Test 

If the world is expected to believe accusations by Turkey regarding US involvement in the recent coup attempt, Turkey must materialize significant changes in its foreign policy.

This would include the expulsion of US forces from Turkish territory, including from Incirlik Air Base as well as from along Turkey's border with Syria.

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The expulsion of US diplomats and the closure of America's substantially large embassy, diplomatic, and military complex in Ankara would also be expected in the wake of an act of war on this scale.

Additionally, Turkey would be expected to reevaluate its membership within NATO - an alliance that failed to come to Turkey's aid amid a military attack upon it by one of NATO's own members. One would wonder what the utility was of an alliance predicated on "collective defense" that is more likely to eliminate one of its own members, than a foreign enemy.

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Finally, considering Turkey's accusations against the United States, Ankara would be expected to realign itself geopolitically. This would mean closer ties to Europe, Russia, and Iran - among others. In order to do this, however, Turkey would have to end its role in the destruction of Syria which has resulted in a torrent of refugees flooding Europe,  and in a conflict that has cost Russians and Iranians their lives as they fight to restore peace and stability across their ally Syria's territory.

Turkey Likely Will Change Foreign Policy for the Worse, Not the Better 

In all likelihood however, none of these changes will take place - indicating before the entire world that the coup was staged - not against Turkey - but in part by it, with the help of not only the United States, but also Gulen's political faction. It will represent a 21st century "Reichstag fire" leading to a 21st century "Hitlerian purge," removing the last remaining obstacles to President Erdogan and the corrosive institutions he has constructed in their collective bid to seize absolute power over Turkey.

And quite to the contrary of those changes one would expect Turkey to make if truly the US engineered this coup to oust, not abet Erdogan, Turkey is very likely to double down on hostility toward neighboring Syria and its allies.  

Mesaje : 10767
Data de înscriere : 05/11/2012

Sus In jos

CARE - Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan Empty The Most Stupid Rebellion or Erdogan's Cunning Plan...

Mesaj Scris de Admin Dum Iul 17, 2016 10:04 am
As a Turk, I don't know what's scarier: the fact that “setting fire to the Reichstag” was planned by Erdogan from beginning to end, or the most stupid rebellion in history.

I saw the whole thing from beginning to end, and am pretty sure it was a government provocation, because in our country, riots used to happen like clockwork. The entire upper army coup of 1980 survived a coup, as they understood that shooting in white light, like a kopeck, has no real use. Turkey held a successful coup so smoothly that nobody noticed until the army was alerted that the coup was successfully completed. At this point, all members of the government had been safely arrested and the streets blocked by the army to avoid riots. Everything went without a snag or hitch. But this one is nonsense.

Every little detail was chewed on the Internet and on TV. An attempted coup, and even the mass media didn't cover it up? A coup attempt that lasted 10 hours?!! Which began just in time for the evening news? Sorry, but I just cannot believe that the army planned such a shame in a country in which successful coups used to happen once every 20 years.

Yes it is even impossible to call it a revolution – they didn't arrest the government after all! They allowed Erdogan to call people to the streets (in a normal country, the government orders people to stay indoors and not to go with bare hands to fight against tanks and aircraft to keep the ruler on the throne). A kind of coup that does not arrest the government, but instead arranges a bloodbath on the streets?!

Everything that happened only benefits Erdogan. Believe it or not, but now he's got incredible power and the radical Islamization of Turkey will now go like clockwork.

The government called on the faithful to fight with the rebels. Yes pathetic, people still believed that they are fighting crusaders! Mosques caught up with the hysteria incited people to fight for Erdogan. But where have you seen unarmed people stop a tank? I didn't see it live, but the Internet is full of images.

Few victims... a little suspicious. Imagine a crowd of a thousand people attacking tanks with knives and stones. If one shot in the crowd – thousands would have died. A helicopter was shot down, yes, and ground forces were stopped by the crowd. I do not even want to think about what would have happened if the tanks opened fire.

Most of the soldiers are young people of ages 20-24 and many of them said that they were told that they were going “on an exercise”, and they didn't know what to do when they realized that they were taking part in a rebellion.

“Please forgive me, but we were ordered to occupy the TV Studio”. They even asked announcers how to switch off the equipment. All this happened live, I heard it all. You captured the CNN Studio and did not even know how to turn off the TV?!!

And even after they asked reporters to stop broadcasting, the broadcast lasted all night.

How sad that these soldiers, which only obeyed orders and didn't shoot into the crowd, were killed by this crowd. Hell, one of the soldiers had his head cut off in the best traditions of ISIS. The fact that there were people lynching the soldiers boggles the mind. This is a sobering reminder of how strong and brutal an incensed crowd can be, united by one idea.

In Turkey the army is the most respectable organization. It is the backbone of the whole country. When a person is called into the army, it is a celebration for him, for the whole family and friends. Service in the army was always considered the most rewarding choice in life. For the Turks the army is sacred, and there are no analogues to this attitude in the Western world. And now people who fought with the army are represented by these characters.

The army's reputation has fallen so much that I am sure that Turkey every day becomes a totalitarian police state to an increasingly greater extent. The army was suppressed, many will go to prison, and some executed, though now it is illegal. And the quantity of police, on the contrary, will increase exponentially, because they are “defenders of freedom and democracy.”

Guys, I don't even know how to put it, but the army is such an integral part of Turkey that I never even imagined that we'd come to this...

Mesaje : 10767
Data de înscriere : 05/11/2012

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CARE - Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan Empty INSTABILITY IN TURKEY

Mesaj Scris de Admin Dum Iul 17, 2016 8:20 pm

Some hours before the Brussels terror attacks, on the other side of the Atlantic, a rather astonishing article was posted on the website of the ultra-hawkish and pro-Israeli American Enterprise Institute. It was written by a known neocon activist with strong ties (at least in the past, but probably also now) with Turkish Kemalists, Michael Rubin. Τhe article was entitled “Could there be a coup in Turkey?” In it, Turkish military are all but strongly advised to overthrow President Erdogan. The author assures them that they have nothing to fear from USA, NATO or Europe if they do it. He is also “describing”, for Erdogan and his closest advisors, a fate not so different than the fate of the overthrown Egyptian President Morsi.
This publication is not an isolated incident. On March 10th, two former US ambassadors in Turkey did not go as far as to suggest a coup against Erdogan, still they called him to “reform or resign”, as goes the title of their article published in the Washington Post. One of the writers, Mr. Edelman, belongs to the core of neoconservatism. He is believed to have contributed greatly, from the sidelines, to the emergence of Erdogan, when influential people in the USA were looking around for a more “accomodating” and “friendly” person to replace as head of the Islamists the ousted by the army PM Erbakan, too “original” and too “authentic”. As for the other co-author of the piece in Washington Post, Mr. Abravomitz, he avoided being identified too much with Neoconservatives, still his soul seems not to be very far from their positions.
The two writers are not limiting themselves to the – quite usual now in the international press - critiques of Erdogan's policy. They also address themselves clearly, if indirectly, to what remains of the kemalist currents inside the army. As they write in their article “the AK Party's heralded attempt to hold the military accountable for its undemocratic behavior was a show trial in which manufactured evidence served to implicate political opponents”.
Both articles are remarkable for their content, for the persons who sign them and for where they were published.
The neoconservative “state within the state”
The AEI was one of the main think tanks in the United States which prepared “ideologically” the invasion to Iraq and the war against the “axis of evil” the Bush government had initiated. To do it, it had taken, at the time, pretext of the terror attacks in New York on September 11th 2001. It used the political atmosphere, prevailing in the USA after the attacks to the Twin Powers, in order to shift radically the whole axis of the US policy in the Middle East. Such a shift could not, of course, but produce more chaos and more terror, as we can all see now on our TV screens.
Terror attacks are extremely helpful for people wishing to change policies, exactly because they provoke terror, disturbing the rational (or usual, better to say) way of thinking (?) of humans.
Mr. Rubin has been a very active neocon activist. Among other activities of his he worked with the notorious Office for Special Plans, created by Secretary Rumsfeld in the Pentagon, to prepare the invasion of Iraq and manage the situation afterwards. This Office is a very interesting example of the (formally legal) methods used by neocons to “hijack” USA and circumvent its normal, usual, institutional intelligence gathering and decision making processes. The same method was used in many other places, like in Paris, after the election of President Sarkozy, leading to the interventions in Libya and Syria. Even under Obama, neocons still handle a lot of influence in Washington and the administration itself. 
In fact neocons created an unofficial “state inside the state”. According to an article by Greg Miller, staff reporter in the Los Angeles Times (9.3.2004), the Director of the CIA himself, George Tennet, revealed during testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee,  that “a special intelligence unit at the Pentagon provided private prewar briefings to senior White House officials on alleged ties between Iraq and Al Qaeda without the knowlegde of the CIA Director”. Miller writes that this “disclosure suggests that a controversial Pentagon office played a greater role than previously understood in shaping the administration's views on Iraq's alleged ties to the terrorist network behind the Sept. 11 attacks, and that it bypassed usual channels to make a case that conflicted with the conclusions of CIA analysts”. (1)
Turmoil in Turkey
According to well informed diplomats, who have served many years in Washington and in Turkey, Mr. Rubin entertained close friendly relations with Turkish kemalist circles in the past, but those relations were shaken when he accused them of “betraying Israel”. Probably he remains now in contact with some of them. 
The publication of the article in the AEI website represents objectively first an open threat to Erdogan, second a direct encouragement to Turkish military who would like to get rid of their President and, also, to revenge him for what he did against Kemalists. It is very important as a signal and we cannot exclude that Rubin and the ambassadors emitted this signal in common with their Turkish friends. But of course there is some distance between sending signals and staging coups. Only time will tell us how long it is.
There are some formidable objects to the realization of such projects. First, the war against the Kurdish PKK has led to a tactical alliance between Kemalists and Erdogan. Second, the Turkish society is no more what it used to be. The reason the President did not get the majority he wanted last year is exactly the success of his own policy! By attacking and weakening seriously the traditional power of the Army in Turkey, Mr. Erdogan helped unleash social forces which turned in some cases against him, but which hardly would support a new military coup, if some in the Army have really the capacity to organize it. Third, nobody can be sure of the repercussions such a coup would really have, both in Turkey and regionally/internationally.
All that withstanding, nobody acquainted with Turkish history should not totally exclude the scenario of a coup. More the Turkish President will use authoritarian methods and more intolerant will show himself, more the range of social forces which want to get rid of him will be enlarged. On the other side, if he proves too soft on Kurds, he will alienate the Army.  
Between East and West
Like its bridges in Instanbul, Turkey is a country between Europe and Asia. Its leaders try, everyone in his own way, to balance between those two worlds and the two Turkish identities. Both Islamists and Kemalists are often torn apart because of such contradictions. They dream to be the best friend of the West in the East, but they want also to be the leaders and representatives of the Arabic and Muslim East to the West. It is difficult to achieve, especially in the context of constant wars against the “axis of evil” and of “Clash of Civilisations”.
Recently, Erdogan has seen both his Middle Eastern and his Kurdish policy collapse. If that was not enough, he took the suicidal decision to down the Russian jet, thus nearly destroying his “strategic depth”, to use  the term so much likes PM Davutoglu. In the concrete circumstances the real strategic depth of him was the nearly strategic relationship with Russia and his personal ties with Putin.
It remains a big question mark. He acted alone in deciding to down the jet or after having received a “green light”? And if he received such a “green light”, by whom and it what purpose?
More isolated than ever, after the downing of the Russian jet, Erdogan turned to Israel. But a rapprochement with Netanyahu poses also problems for him. One is ideological. The second is that Israelis ask for a price to be paid, in severing ties with Gaza Palestinians. They give him a tactical “gift”, but his concessions may prove of a strategic nature. He made already the same mistake, choosing tactics over strategy and ideology, when he decided to participate in western wars against Kaddafi and Assad and he paid already a heavy price for these choices.
As for neoconservatives in general, one would be foolish to believe that they have left the place because their plan A for Syria (toppling Assad, dismembering the country and destroying Hezbollah) has not succeeded, at least for the time being and after the Russian intervention. They are already looking for other ways to attain their strategic goals and they will go on trying to destabilize the whole region.
Neoconservatives have a huge advantage compared to their rivals. One may not like their goals, but they do have a clear strategy and they persist on that. Behind the Chaos they produce, there is an Iron, if terrible Order, one has to recognize it. Up to now, their opponents had not always a comprehensive vision, they were more objecting and protesting, than pursuing an alternative. And they are not always united.
(1) Some believe the same forces and the same methods were also used to instigate wars in Georgia and Ukraine. For those who like “conspiracy theories”, the method used to provoke and “direct” these crises has an astonishing similarity to the methods international Finance used to orchestrate the “European answer” to the financial crisis of 2008-9 (destroying Greece!) or to the refugee crisis of 2015 (again destroying Greece!).


Mesaje : 10767
Data de înscriere : 05/11/2012

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CARE - Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan Empty Failed coup in Turkey: A LIHOP conspiracy?

Mesaj Scris de Admin Dum Iul 17, 2016 8:35 pm

Editor’s Note:
While we appreciate Kevin’s insight and explanation of Turkish internal politics, we feel that he has missed the point on this issue for two main reasons:
Firstly, this ‘coup’ can only be assessed as part of a much wider geopolitical game that encompasses the entire Middle East, the European Union, NATO, the USA, Russia and of course, the Islamic State. Yes, the Erdogan-Gulen split is part of the narrative, but by focusing on it to the degree he does, Kevin has failed to take into account a whole host of other, more significant factors such as the Erdogan-Putin relationship, the Brexit vote, the deal with Merkel to take back the ‘migrants’, the Turkey-EU VISA deal, the progress of the wars in Syria and Iraq against ISIS, the US election and quite a few more. Yes, Erdogan has used this ‘coup’ to round up the remaining opposition in the judiciary and military, but that is not the whole story at all, it is just one small part of a far greater narrative. Maybe the old analogy about wood and trees would be apropos?
Secondly, Perhaps we need to politely remind Kevin that Erdogan, along with his financial backers and allies in Israel, the USA, Qatar and Saudi Arabia is responsible for the creation of IS and the subsequent years of conflict in Syria and Iraq. This alone is enough to justifiably designate him as an evil, inhuman creature with the blood of millions of Kurds, Syrian and Iraqis on his hands, most of them Muslims I might point out; I am no Islamic scholar, but I am pretty sure that Islam, just like Christianity, frowns very severely on such murderous and genocidal activities.
Time and again, VT has documented the crimes of Erdogan such as the thousands upon thousands of tanker trucks carrying stolen oil in an almost endless convoy into Turkey where the Erdogan family makes immense profits from selling it on the open market – this is a mafia family fencing stolen goods on a scale not seen since the looting of Germany in 1945. Gordon Duff helped draft the legal claim against Turkey for the theft of no less than 38 industrial plants from the Aleppo area of Syria, including an entire Renault car factory – all carted away by the Turks to line Erdogan’s pockets. This wholescale looting and war profiteering would be more than enough to secure a very long stay in a very small room with no windows should Erdogan ever find himself in front of an International court, but it is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to evil deeds by this most reprehensible man; he bears responsibility for over 5 years of a brutal, cruel and inhuman war against the Syrian people, a war that has killed untold hundreds of thousands, made millions refugees outside their own nation and traumatised an entire generation of the Syrian people so deeply that it will take several more generations to recover.
It is not just logistic support for ISIS and profiteering from their misdeeds that can be pinned on Erdogan, it is direct command and control of ISIS for the simple reason that the members of ISIS that are doing the fighting and killing are nothing more than the Turkish army dressed up in dish-dash and sporting newly grown beards. It is the Turkish army that invaded northern Syria, seized the city of Aleppo and plunged the Syrian people into years of hell and Erdogan bears full and direct responsibility for all of it, he may have been financed and backed by others, but he is the one at the nexus of events, the driving force, the head of the IS snake that should have been cut off long ago before it could do so much damage. Erdogan may have survived this ‘coup’ and even strengthened his position as a result, but he shouldn’t get too comfortable on his dictator’s throne, one day his backers will turn on him just as they did with their prior puppets Hitler and Saddam and when that happens, we at VT will no shed a single tear, we might even allow ourselves a wry smile.
On final point, and we feel it is an important one; the Caliphate that Kevin talks about reminds us of the Oded Yinon plan to create a Greater Israel, which should be taken as indicating that the same unseen hands are behind both agendas. I have pointed out previously that the desire of Turkey to recreate the Ottoman Empire directly overlaps the desire of Israel to create Eretz (Greater) Israel; we feel this is no coincidence, rather it means that they are the same plan under two different names with the obvious implication that both Turkey and Israel are under the control of the international Zionist crime cabal which is the original author of this plan. – Ian Greenhalgh
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Whether you call it the Ottoman Empire or Greater Israel, it amounts to the same thing – destruction of Iraq, Syria and Lebanon and their replacement by a Zionist-controlled state stretching from the shores of the Mediterranean to the banks of the Euphrates.

News of the bombing of the  Turkish capital building in Ankara – part of yesterday’s failed coup attempt – brought back memories.
Five years ago, I had lunch in that same Turkish capital building with a leading parliamentarian (a supporter of Erdogan) and the Turkish equivalent of FBI Deputy Director.
A few years before that, I had been witch-hunted out of the University of Wisconsin by politicians for daring to question the official myth of 9/11. And you can bet I wasn’t being invited to lunch by any American congress-critters, much less the Deputy Director of the FBI.
CARE - Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan Turkey-newspaper
As a 9/11 truth scholar, I was front page news in Turkey
But in Turkey, I was treated like visiting royalty. My fellow American guests and I were escorted into the magnificent Turkish capital building through a VIP entrance. The security guards were ordered to stand down. Over lunch, I discussed the 9/11 inside job with high Turkish officials including the aforementioned parliamentarian and National Police Director. The latter explained how he had helped defeat Turkey’s 9/11: The Ergenekon/Sledgehammer coup plots dating back to 2003.
Historical background: Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party – representing the majority of Turks who reject the Donmeh Jew pedophile Attaturk’s legacy of brutally authoritarian “forced secularism” and cultural genocide, including the abolition of the Turkish written language – came to power in 2002. The triumph of the moderate democratic-Islamic JDP terrified the kemalist (Attaturk-worshipping fascist) forces, who conspired with the US neocon-Zionist 9/11 plotters to stage a 9/11-style event in Turkey to overthrow Erdogan.
That coup attempt, like the one yesterday, failed. And it may have failed for the same reason.
Over lunch, the head of the Turkish National Police explained to me how he and his colleagues had foiled the Ergenekon/Sledgehammer coup attempts and jailed hundreds of the nation’s top military and intelligence leaders and their assets in business and especially media.  (That’s what should have happened in the US after 9/11…or better yet, BEFORE 9/11.)
The National Police Director explained that his agency had built a better intelligence network than the military’s. It was spy vs. spy – everybody was wiretapping everybody – but the National Police prevailed, partly thanks to spy equipment they obtained from Europe. (They also have a bigger and better “human resources network” because they – unlike the kemalists – represent the majority of the population.)
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Since 2003, and especially during the past five years, some of the National Police who support Islam and democracy have been deceived and co-opted by Fetullah Gulen’s CIA-Mossad-backed organization. So in the latest round of Turkish spy-vs.-spy, the loyalist National Police had to deal not only with the kemalists in the military, but also with traitors within their own ranks.
So here’s my LIHOP (Let It Happen On Purpose) conspiracy theory concerning the latest coup attempt. My guess is that forces loyal to Erdogan, Islam and democracy (not necessarily in that order) were on top of the coup plot long before it came to fruition.
Rather than trying to roll up the plotters in advance, and subsequently being accused of “human rights violations” and “crushing all anti-Erdogan dissent” by the West, the loyalist forces laid low and concealed their advance knowledge. That way, when the coup attempt went public, the anti-coup forces were in a position to prevent it from succeeding — then rally popular support for Erdogan and the larger democratic-Islamic project, and utterly annihilate the pro-coup forces to make sure nothing like this ever happens again.
I hope they succeed.
Unlike some of my VT colleagues, I’m cheering for the anti-coup forces in Turkey…even if they engaged in a little bit of LIHOP conspiring along the way.
Sure, Erdogan is no saint. He has made some terrible mistakes, including joining the Zionist West’s destabilization of Syria, cracking down ham-fistedly on Kurdish separatists, and selling out the people of Gaza by refusing to send the Turkish Navy to end the illegal Israeli blockade, as he promised after the Mavi Marmara incident.
But the alternatives to Erdogan are even worse. The treasonous pro-coup forces in the army are led by donmeh pedophiles and deep state drug lords. And Fetullah Gulen, Erdogan’s pseudo-Islamic opposition, is a creature of that same deep state, and a tool of CIA-Mossad.
You can bet that neither the kemalists nor Gulen, nor the combination of the two that would have governed Turkey had the coup succeeded, would have tried to liberate Gaza, either. On the contrary, both are vastly more pro-Zionist than Erdogan.
The Turkish people were not fooled. Like the Venezuelans who stopped the anti-Hugo-Chavez coup, the Turks laid their bodies on the line to save their country’s democracy.
Gilad Atzmon makes a valid point in his recent pro-Erdogan, anti-coup diatribe:
Gilad asks:
Is it possible that the masses who yesterday saved Turkey see their government  and their president as a continuation of their true selves?  Maybe  Erdogan personifies their Ottoman heritage and helps liberate the Turks from the pseudo western identity imposed on them by (some insist Jewish) Kamal Ataturk a century ago. Is it possible that Erdogan allowed the Turks to return to their status as a proud nation? Turkey has transformed from a source of cheap labour at the outskirts of Europe into a regional superpower.”
Erdogan is regularly assailed for wanting to be a “caliph” by people who have no real knowledge of modern Turkish and Islamic history. The people of today’s Turkey, and the rest of the world’s 1.8 billion Muslims, were not consulted when the Zionist West crushed the Ottoman Empire and, using their donmeh pedophile tool Attaturk, abolished the Caliphate – an institution absolutely central to Sunni Islam. (Sunni Muslims view the destruction of the Caliphate by the enemies of Islam in about the same way Catholics would view the destruction of the Papacy and the Church of Rome by enemies of Christianity.)
Polls show that about two-thirds of today’s Muslims—meaning more than a billion people — want to restore the caliphate. Turkey’s ruling party is part of a larger Islamic movement that wants to do so gradually, moderately, and democratically, but is timid about saying so openly for fear of antagonizing Islam’s powerful enemies. Most of the global Muslim Brotherhood is also on board with that program. (The MB officially renounced violence in the 1970s, though it – correctly – supports the right of resistance against occupation; the recent catastrophe in Syria is an exceptional case due to the Syrian MB having suffered decades of persecution leading to radicalization. And don’t get me started about the moronic anti-MB conspiracy theories injected into the stupid sector of the alternative media by the usual suspects.)
Machievellian Western/Zionist leaders are worried about Turkey becoming ever-more powerful, prosperous, and Islamic. Their ultimate nightmare is a restored caliphate uniting contiguous Sunni-majority Muslim countries that would control most of the world’s best energy reserves, and use that control to create a new commodity-backed currency, an oil-backed gold dinar and silver dirham that would quickly become the world’s de facto reserve currency. (Look what they did to Qaddafi for taking a baby step in that direction.)
The Zionist-NATO Empire lured Erdogan into Syria for the same reason they lured Russia into Afghanistan in 1980: To “give them their own Vietnam.” The destruction of Syria was engineered not just to crush Israel’s Arab opposition and its Iranian allies, but also to hobble Turkey in order to pre-empt its rise as a democratic-Islamic superpower leading the way toward a restored Caliphate.
In the short term, the NATO-Zionist plot to destroy Syria and destabilize Turkey has been successful. But the long-term historical trend runs in the other direction. As the EU and NATO fall apart, and the West declines precipitously from its present position of global economic-technological-political-military domination, the rise of a unified Islamic world is an historical inevitability.
Why is that?
Muslims are united by a common language, Arabic, which every Muslim MUST learn. (The Qur’an does not exist in any other language; there is no such thing as a translation of the Qur’an, just wildly-inadequate interpretations.)
Muslims are united by a common culture: What Marshall Hodgson called “Islamicate” culture. (It includes many non-Muslims as well.)
Muslims are united by a common currency: The gold dinar and silver dirham, the only acceptable currency for zakaat, one of the five pillars of Islam.
Muslims are united by a common loathing for riba (usury), the basis of today’s economy, and given half a chance will crush the international banking cabal and put it permanently out of business.
Muslims are united by agreement that achieving the political unity of the Islamic world is a religious duty. This is where Sunni and Shia Muslims differ slightly – which is why the Zionist-NATO empire is doing everything it can to take the very slight Sunni-Shia differences that actually exist and drive wedges into them in order to annihilate the House of Islam.
So the anti-Erdogan project in Turkey is actually a small part of a much larger anti-Islam project. The people who have tried to destroy Islamic democracy in Turkey through the Syria trap, and yesterday through the failed coup, are the same people who staged 9/11 to launch the War on Islam (disguised as a “war on terror”), and who created “ISIS” (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service) as a propaganda weapon against Muslims’ legitimate effort to restore their political unity.

And I think we all know who those people are: The banksters who rule the world through their Zionist-NATO empire, and who will be thrown into the proverbial trash can of history as Islam rises to regain its rightful place at the center of global civilization.

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Mesaje : 10767
Data de înscriere : 05/11/2012

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CARE - Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan Empty Hell Hath No Fury Like a Teflon Sultan (Pepe Escpbar on Turkey coup)

Mesaj Scris de Admin Dum Iul 17, 2016 8:43 pm

When Turkish President/aspiring Sultan Recep Tayyip Erdogan landed at Istanbul’s Ataturk airport early Saturday morning, he declared the attempted coup against his government a failure, and a “gift from God.”
God apparently uses Face Time. It was via that iconic iPhone footage from an undisclosed location shown live on CNN Turk by a bewildered female anchor that Erdogan managed to call his legion of followers to hit the streets, unleash People Power and defeat the military faction that had taken over state TV and proclaimed to be in charge.So God does work in mysterious mobile ways. Erdogan’s call was heeded even by young Turks who had fiercely protested against him in Gezi Park; were tear-gassed or water-cannoned by his police; think the AKP governing party is disgusting; but would support them against a “fascist military coup.” Not to mention that virtually every mosque across Turkey relayed Erdogan’s call.Ankara’s official version is that the coup was perpetrated by a small military faction remote-controlled by exiled-in-Pennsylvania cleric Fethullah Gulen, himself a CIA asset. As much as responsibility remains debatable, what’s clear is the coup was a Turk remix of The Three Stooges; the actual stooges in fact may have been the already detained 2nd Army Commander Gen. Adem Huduti; 3rd Army Commander Erdal Ozturk; and former Chief of Air Staff Akin Ozturk.
As over-excited former CIA ops were blaring on US networks – and they do know a thing or two about regime change — rule number one in a coup is to aim at, and isolate, the head of the snake. Yet the wily Turkish snake, in this case, was nowhere to be seen. Not to mention that no top generals sounding convincingly patriotic went on the TRT state network to fully explain the reasons for the coup.
(Erdogan) love is in the air
The coup plotters did aim at the intel services – whose top positions are at Istanbul’s airport, the presidential palace in Ankara and near the ministries. They used Cobra helicopters – with pilots trained in the US – against these targets. They also aimed at the army’s high command – which for the past 8 years is designated by Erdogan and is not trusted by many a mid-ranking officer.As they occupied the Bosphorus bridges in Istanbul they seemed to be in touch with military police – which is spread out all over Turkey and have a solid esprit de corps. But in the end they did not have the numbers – and the necessary preparation. All key ministries seemed to be communicating among themselves as the plot developed, as well as the intel services. And as far as Turkish police as a whole is concerned, they are now a sort of AKP pretorian guard.
Meanwhile, Erdogan’s Gulfstream 4, flight number TK8456, took off from Bodrum’s airport at 1:43 A.M. and flew for hours over Turkey’s northwest with its transponder on, undisturbed. It was from the presidential plane, while still landed, that Erdogan had gone on Face Time, and then, on the air, managed to control the countercoup. The plane never left Turkish airspace – and was totally visible to civil and military radars. The coup plotters’ F-16s could have easily tracked and/or incinerated it. Instead they sent military choppers to bomb the presidential abode in Bodrum a long time after he had left the building.
The head of the snake must have been 100% sure that to board his plane and stay on Turkish airspace was as safe as eating a baklava. What’s even more startling is that the Gulfstream managed to land in Istanbul in absolute safety in the early hours of Saturday morning – despite the prevailing notion that the airport was occupied by the “rebels”.
In Ankara, the “rebels” used a mechanized division and two commandos. Around Istanbul there was a whole army; the 3rd command is actually integrated with NATO’s rapid reaction forces. They supplied the Leopards positioned in Istanbul’s key spots – which by the way did not open fire.And yet the two key armies positioned in the Syrian and Iranian borders remained on “wait and see” mode. And then, at 2 A.M., the command of the also key 7th army based in Diyarbakir – in charge of fighting the PKK guerrillas – proclaimed his loyalty to Erdogan. That was the exact, crucial moment when Prime Minister Binali Yildırım announced a no-fly zone over Ankara.
That meant Erdogan controlled the skies. And the game was over. History does move in mysterious ways; the no-fly zone dreamed by Erdogan for so long over Aleppo or the Syrian-Turkish border in the end materialized over his own capital.
Round up the usual suspects
The US position was extremely ambiguous from the start. As the coup took over, the American embassy in Turkey called it “Turkish uprising”. Secretary of State John Kerry, in Moscow to discuss Syria, also hedged his bets. NATO was royally mute. Only when it became clear the coup was in fact smashed President Obama and the “NATO allies” officially proclaimed their “support for the democratically elected government”.
The Sultan went back to the game with a vengeance. He immediately went live on CNN Turk demanding Washington hands over Gulen even without any evidence he masterminded the coup. And that came with an inbuilt threat; “If you want to keep access to Incirlik air base you will have to give me Gulen”. It’s hard not to be reminded of recent history – when the Cheney regime in 2001 demanded the Taliban hand Osama bin Laden over to the US without offering proof he was responsible for 9/11.
So the number one eyebrow-raising possibility is a go; Erdogan’s intel services knew a coup was brewing; and the wily Sultan let it happen knowing it would fail as the plotters had very limited support. He also arguably knew – in advance — even the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), whose members Erdogan is trying to expel from parliament, would support the government in the name of democracy.Two extra facts add to the credibility of this hypothesis. Earlier last week Erdogan signed a bill giving soldiers immunity from prosecution while taking part in domestic security ops – as in anti-PKK; that spells out improved relations between the AKP government and the army. And then Turkey’s top judicial body HSYK laid off no less than 2,745 judges after an extraordinary meeting post-coup. This can only mean the list was more than ready in advance.
The major, immediate post-coup geopolitical consequence is that Erdogan now seems to have miraculously reconquered his “strategic depth” – as former, sidelined Prime Minister Davutoglu would have it. Not only externally – after the miserable collapse of both his Middle East and Kurdish “policies” – but also internally. For all practical purposes Erdogan now controls the Executive, the Legislative and the Judiciary – and is taking no prisoners to purge the military for good. Ladies and gentlemen, the Sultan is in da house.
This means the neo-Ottoman project is still on – but now under massive tactical reorientation. The real “enemy” now is Syrian Kurds – not Russia and Israel (and not ISIS/ISIL/Daesh; but they never were in the first place). Erdogan is going after the YPG, which for him is a mere extension of the PKK. His order of the day is to prevent by all means an autonomous state entity in northeast Syria – a “Kurdistan” set up like a second Israel supported by the US. For that he needs some sort of entente cordiale with Damascus – as in insisting that Syria must preserve its territorial integrity. And that also means, of course, renewed dialogue with Russia.
So what’s the CIA been up to?
Needless to add Ankara and Washington are now on a certified collision course. If there is an Empire of Chaos hidden hand in the coup – no smoking gun yet — that certainly comes from the Beltway neocon/CIA axis, not the lame duck Obama administration. For the moment Erdogan’s leverage only amounts to access to Incirlik. But his paranoia is ballooning; for him Washington is doubly suspicious because they harbor Gulen and support the YPG.
Hell hath no fury as an underestimated Sultan as well. For all his recent geopolitical follies, Erdogan’s simultaneous ballet of reconnecting with Israel and Russia is eminently pragmatic. He knows he needs Russia for the Turkish Stream and to build nuclear plants;  and he needs Israeli gas to consolidate Turkey’s role as a key East-West energy crossroads.When we learn, crucially, that Iran supported Turkey’s “brave defense of democracy”, as tweeted by Foreign Minister Zarif, it’s clear how Erdogan, in a mater of only a few weeks, reconfigured the whole regional picture. And that spells out Eurasia integration and Turkey deeply connected to the New Silk Roads – not NATO. No wonder the Beltway – for whom, overwhelmingly, Erdogan is the proverbial “erratic and unreliable ally” — is freaking out. That dream of Turkish colonels under direct CIA orders is over – at least for the foreseeable future.
So what about Europe? Yildirim already said that Turkey might reinstate the death penalty – to be applied to the coup plotters. This means, in essence, bye bye EU. And bye bye to the European Parliament approving visa-free travel for Turks visiting Europe. Erdogan after all already got what he wanted from chancellor Merkel; those 6 billion euros to contain the refugee crisis that he essentially unleashed. Merkel bet the farm on Erdogan. Now she’s talking to herself – while the Sultan is able to dial God on Face Time.

Mesaje : 10767
Data de înscriere : 05/11/2012

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CARE - Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan Empty Gulen, The CIA's Cleric

Mesaj Scris de Admin Dum Iul 17, 2016 8:51 pm

The CIA is a long-time supporter of Islamic extremism and continues to be the main sponsor of Jihadist terrorist groups like ISIS that have targeted innocent people in Western and Muslim countries.

This is not merely my view but that of very knowledgeable Turkish analysts and even the former Turkish MIT senior figure, Osman Nuri Gundes, former FBI Turkish-American translator Sibel Edmonds, and others have documented his deep links to very senior CIA people such as Graham Fuller. When Gülen fled Turkey to avoid prosecution for treason in 1998, he chose not to go to any of perhaps a dozen Islamic countries which could have offered him asylum. He chose instead the United States. He did so with the help of the CIA. The US State Department tried to block a special “preference visa as an alien of extraordinary ability in the field of education” permanent visa status for Gülen, arguing he was basically a fraud with a fifth grade education and no special Islam scholar. Over the objections of the FBI, of the US State Department and of the US Department of Homeland Security, three former CIA operatives intervened and managed to secure a Green Card and permanent US residency for Gülen. 

Intervention by three current or “former” CIA people--George Fidas, who was US Ambassador to Turkey and an ex CIA Deputy Director; Morton Abramowitz who was described as at least “informal” CIA, and CIA career man who spent time in Turkey, Graham E. Fuller. They got Gülen asylum in Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania. That certainly suggests a strong tie at the very least.

Mesaje : 10767
Data de înscriere : 05/11/2012

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CARE - Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan Empty Erdogan's Appetite For Absolute Power Grows With Every Bite As The New Islamic Caliphate Slouches Toward Istanbul To Be Born

Mesaj Scris de Admin Dum Iul 17, 2016 8:54 pm

The leader of the terrorist group Hamas celebrated the death of the secular Turkish Republic and the birth of the new Islamic Caliphate centered in Istanbul by baking a cake for the bloodthirsty Caliph who staged his own coup to get even more power. 

Could we be witnessing the second coming of the Ottoman Empire? Will the Muslim World's fanatical Islamists unite and terrorize their internal opponents into total submission?

Steps have already been taken to reestablish Turkey as the center of the Sunni Muslim world. An Islamic Interpol has been created, based out of Istanbul, to fight terrorism in the Muslim world, which is very ironic since Istanbul is the main launching pad for ISIS and other terrorist groups that have wreaked havoc in Syria for the last five years. 

IMO we should begin to think of the ultimate limits of Tayyip's ambitions. Thus far he has successfully bullied and blackmailed the EU into paying him 6 BILLION Euros to stop sending migrants across the Aegean Sea. He has embarked on a campaign of suppression of civic liberties in Turkey. He has actively supported ALL the jihadi movements in Syria. Only recently has he desisted from supporting IS but he continues to be the biggest supporter of the non-IS jihadi groups. The only reason he abandoned IS was that they began to threaten him. Without his Turkey's help the Nusra Front and the rest of the menagerie of jihadi groups would be carrion by now. What are the limits of his ambition?
An excerpt from, "NYT Pampers Erdogan - Declares Secularism To Be Extreme" By b, Moon of Alabama, July 17, 2016:
Had the amateurish coup succeeded democracy in Turkey would have been suspended for some years. Now, that Erdogan has won. he is launching an astonishingly well prepared cleansing campaign. Thousands of soldiers, including many officers unrelated to the "coup", have been detained. Some 3,000 judges, a fifth of the judiciary, have been suspended. Hundreds of them, including supreme court judges, have been jailed. Independent news-sites get closed, editors are rounded up. Erdogan calls on his Islamist followers to occupy the streets. They attack Syrian refugees, Kurdish and Alevi neighborhoods. Democracy in Turkey is now lost for decades.

To pamper Erdogan by redefining moral norms, as the NYT does, will not better the situation of the Turkish people or of anyone else exposed to Erdogan's whims.
An excerpt from, "World of Islam convenes in Istanbul, ‘Islamic Interpol’ idea gains ground" By Fatih Şemsettin Işık, Daily Sabah, April 14, 2016:
The13th OIC Summit Conference began Thursday with an opening speach by President Erdoğan, who said member states had reacted positively to Turkey's suggestion to establish an OIC-wide international police body to fight terrorism and other crimes.

Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Member states agreed to establish an Istanbul-based police cooperation and coordination center to tackle terror and other crimes, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Thursday at the 13th OIC Summit Conference, held in Istanbul. "It would be helpful to establish a structure among member states that will strengthen and institutionalize cooperation against terror and other crimes," Erdoğan said, adding that Turkey's proposal to realize this with an Istanbul-based center, under the formal name of OIC Center for Police Cooperation and Coordination, was approved by member states. His remarks came at the opening ceremony of the OIC summit.

Mesaje : 10767
Data de înscriere : 05/11/2012

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CARE - Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan Empty Noul Imperiu Otoman – Sultanul Erdogan, revolta ienicerilor și cruciații cei stupizi

Mesaj Scris de Admin Lun Iul 18, 2016 3:07 am

S-a scris mult, s-a manipulat și mai mult despre încercarea de lovitură de stat din Turcia. Dintre toate interpretările și analizele făcute asupra evenimentelor, s-a impus o aberație: Erdogan, marele apărător al democrației în Turcia a reușit să învingă, ajutat de poporul turc cel iubitor de libertate, o lovitură de stat anti-democratică instrumentată de o juntă militară ce urmărea instaurarea unei dictaturi militare.
Am auzit, mai mult sau mai puțin în mod explicit, această teorie imediat după momentul în care, noaptea, târziu, președintele SUA, Barack Obama și-a declarat susținerea pentru regimul „ales democratic” al lui Erdogan (sursa:White House).
Înțelegerea corectă a situației din Turcia presupune un efort cu mult mai mare, decât să vizionezi imagini și analize difuzate de posturi tv sau agenții de presă dependente de interesele economice, politice și militare ale marilor puteri implicate în ceea ce s-a întâmplat în Turcia.
Să analizăm câteva afirmații făcute despre evenimentele din Turcia.
Afirmația: Erdogan este apărător al democrației. Adevăr sau minciună?

Un document foarte important în care se arată nivelul de degradare a democrației în Turcia și dimensiunea tot mai autoritaristă și islamistă a regimului Erdogan, a fost emis de Amnesty International, sub forma unui raport pentru perioada 2015-2016 despre încălcarea Drepturilor Omului în diferite state și regiuni ale lumii (sursa: Amnesty International). Iată cum este descrisă situația democrației în Turcia lui Erdogan:

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Mass-media se confruntă cu presiuni fără precedent din partea guvernului turc. Libera exprimare online și offline a fost afectată negativ, în mod semnificativ. Dreptul la libertate și dreptul de întrunire publică pașnică au continuat să fie încălcate. Cazurile de utilizare excesivă a forței de către Poliția turcă și de relele tratamente în detenție au crescut. Abuzurile și încălcarea Drepturilor Omului au persistat în Turcia, iar independența Justiției a fost erodată în continuare.
Se estimeaza că aproximativ 2,5 milioane de refugiați și solicitanți de azil au fost cazați în Turcia, darmulte dintre aceste persoane se confruntă cu detenția și deportarea arbitrară, în timp ce Guvernul Turc negociază cu Uniunea Europeană un acord de migrare.
Numirile motivate politic și transferul judecătorilor și procurorilor, din aceleași motive politice, au continuat pe tot parcursul anului 2015, cu consecinte dezastruoase asupra unui sistem judiciar lipsit deja de independență și imparțialitate.

Instanțele penale de pace - cu jurisdicție în desfășurarea investigațiilor penale, cum ar fi arestarea preventivă, confiscarea bunurilor și căile de atac împotriva acestor decizii - au intrat sub control guvernamental.

La alegerile generale din iunie 2015, Partidul de guvernământ ”Dreptate și Dezvoltare” (Partidul AK), al liderului Erdogan, aflat la putere din 2002, nu a reușit să obțină o majoritate parlamentară generală. Partidul AK a recâștigat majoritatea parlamentară, după ce s-a decis reluarea (!) alegerilor parlamentare în noiembrie 2015, când și-a asigurat aproximativ 50% din voturi (!).

Urmăririle penale în masă (!), în baza unor legi extrem de vagi și generale privind anti-terorismul, au continuat în 2015. În luna martie, 236 de ofițeri militari acuzați de participare la așa-zisul complot "Barosul", care urmărea răsturnarea de la putere a guvernului Partidului AK, au fost achitați după o nouă procedură de judecată, dar acțiunea a continuat în recurs, în cazul "Ergenekon" al civililor acuzați de participare la complotul respectiv.

Până la sfârșitul lunii august, se steimează că mai mult de 2.000 de persoane au fost reținute pentru presupuse legături cu PKK, în timp ce peste 260 de persoane au fost arestate preventiv. Urmăriri penale au fost inițiate asupra unor persoane acuzate de așa-zisă apartenență la "Organizația teroristă Gulen", despre care autorităție regimului Erdogan afirmă că a fi condusă de un cleric turc exilat în SUA.

Respectarea libertății de exprimare s-a deteriorat. Au fost inițiate urmăriri penale, s-au comisnenumărate abuzuri, inclusiv în temeiul legilor penale cu privire la defăimare și anti-terorism,asupra activiștilor politici și jurnaliștilor care au criticat activitatea funcționarilor publici sau politicle guvernamentale. Cetățenii de rând au fost frecvent aduși în fața tribunalelor pentru a fijudecați pentru postările în rețelele de social-media.

Guvernul turc a exercitat o presiune imensă asupra mass-media, vizând companiile media și rețelele de distribuție digitală, precum și jurnaliști care sunt cunoscuți ca opozanți și critici ai guvernului. Jurnaliștii respectivi au fost amenințați și atacați fizic de atacatori adesea rămași neidentificați. Jurnaliști cunoscuți au fost concediați, la presiunea guvernului turc, după ce au criticat politicile guvernamentale. Website-urile de știri, inclusiv cele aparținând presei kurde, au fost blocate din motive neclare, în temeiul unor ordine administrative, susținute de hotărâri ale instanțelor de judecată. Jurnaliștii care au relatat evenimente din teritoriile de sud-est ale Turciei, locuite preponderent de kurzi, au fost hărțuiți și agresați de poliția turcă.
În luna noiembrie 2015, șeful Asociației Baroului Diyarbakir și renumitul apărător al Drepturilor Omului, activistul Tahir Elci a fost împușcat mortal, după ce a făcut o declarație de presă în Diyarbakır. Asasinul a rămas neidentificat până la sfârșitul anului, pe fondul suspiciunilor privind precaritatea imparțialității și eficacității investigației oficiale.
Tahir Elci primise amenințări cu moartea, după ce a fusese acuzat de autorități pentru "propagandă în favoarea unei organizații teroriste" și pentru că declarase la televiziunea națională turcă, în direct, că PKK "nu este o organizație teroristă, ci o mișcare politică armată, cu un sprijin considerabil din partea populației kurde". Tahir Elci a fost amenințat cu pedeapsa la peste șapte ani de închisoare. Canalul de știri CNN Türk, a fost, de asemenea, amendat cu 700.000 de lire (230.000 euro) pentru difuzarea declarațiilor lui Tahir Elci.
Dreptul la întrunire pașnică a continuat să fie limitat în legislație și a negat ca exercitare în practică, în funcție de problemele pe care protesatarii doreau să le exprime public și/sau de profilul politic/civic al participanților. Practica de arestărilor arbitrare a manifestanților, în timpul întrunirilor/manifestațiilor publice, a primit temei juridic și a fost oficializat prin modificări legislative în luna martie, în pachetul de legi privind de securitatea internă a Turciei, fapt care aoferit poliției turce puteri nelimitate în a aresta, fără mandat și fără supraveghere judiciară, orice persoană participantă la o întrunire/manifestație publică. Demonstranții pașnici au continuat să fie urmăriți penal și condamnați în Turcia.
Cazurile de utilizare excesivă a forței împotriva protestatarilor a crescut în mod dramatic. În ianuarie, Nihat Kazanhan, un copil în vârstă de 12 ani, a fost împușcat mortal de un polițist în orașul Cizre. Autoritățile turce au negat inițial implicarea poliției, dar ulterior au apărut dovezi video care arată pe Nihat Kazanhan și alți copii aruncând cu pietre spre ofițerii de poliție și în secvențe video separată, se arată un ofițer de poliție trăgând cu pușca spre grupul de copii. Copilul Nihat Kazanhan a fost ucis de un singur glonț în cap. Procesul celor cinci ofițeri de poliție implicați este în curs de desfășurare.
Autoritățile turce au impus starea de asediu, în timpul operațiunilor de poliție care vizează orașele din sud-estul Turciei, locuite de kurzi. In timpul stării de asediu, s-a aplicat interdicția totală asupra rezidenților de a pleca din casele lor, a fost întreruptă în orașele respective alimentarea cu  apă potabilă și energie electrică, au fost suspendate comunicațiile, iar observatorilor externi le-a fost interzis accesul. Starea de asediu la Sur, Cizre și Silopi era încă în vigoare la sfârșitul anului 2015.

În jur de 2,3 milioane de refugiați sirieni și 250.000 de refugiați și solicitanți de azil din alte țări, inclusiv Afganistan și Irak, au fost cazați în Turcia. Aproximativ 260.000 refugiați sirieni au fost cazați în condiții bune, în tabere amenajate de guvern, însă cei mai mulți refugiați și solicitanți de azil sunt lăsați în afara taberelor și au primit o minimă asistență sau au fost lăsați fără o minimă asistență medicală și de subzistență, acestora fiindu-le interzis inclusiv dreptul la muncă. În multe cazuri, refugiații se luptă să supraviețuiască, acceptând activități de „muncă la negru”, în condiții abuzive și prost plătiți. Cererile de azil pentru non-sirieni au fost rareori acceptate. În aceste condiții, guvernul turc a semnat un acord cu UE în octombrie 2015, care vizează prevenirea migrației ilegale din Turcia către UE.
În luna septembrie, cel puțin 200 de refugiați - cea mai mare parte sirieni - care au încercat să pătrundă în Grecia, au fost arestați și duși în detenție, în locuri secrete, în diferite locații din Turcia.Mulți refugiați au fost supuți presiunilor pentru a accepta să se reîntoarcă "voluntar" în Siria și Irak, încălcându-se astfel, în mod flagrant Dreptul Internațional privind refugiații.”

Citind doar aceste relatări din Raportul organizației Amensty International și fără a mai face referire la numeroase alte mărturii despre abuzurile comise de regimul Erdogan, avem toate argumentele pentru a afirma că Erdogan NU este un apărător al democrației, NU este un politician democrat, iar politica regimului condus de Erdogan este antidemocratică și în conflict evident cu Drepturile Omului și principiile democrației europene și occidentale.
În mod firesc, ne întrebăm, de ce liderii Uniunii Europene consideră că Turcia merită să fie luată în calcul pentru o eventuală aderare la U.E., de ce abuzurile grave comise de regimul Erdogan nu au fost sancționate sever de Uniunea Europeană, de ce în contextul încercării de lovitură de stat organizată de Armata Turcă, liderii occidentali l-au susținut pe Erdogan, ca fiind lider democratic și apărător al democrației în Turcia (când probabil o neutralitate îngrijorată și apelul la încetarea vărsării de sânge și abuzurilor comise de ambele părți, ar fi fost o atitudine mult mai adecvată)?
Afirmația: Erdogan este un reformator care modernizează Turcia, după modelul democratic, european și occidental.

În multe situații, liderii U.E. și ai SUA au încercat să justifice prietenia îngăduitoare pe care o manifestă față de Erdogan, argumentând că acesta ar fi un reformator care modernizează Turcia și care, în ciuda unor excese impuse de contexte politice interne și externe dificile, dorește ca țara sa să devină parte a familiei statelor europene democratice.

Nimic mai fals. Erdogan este un islamist nostalgic după vremurile de glorie ale Imperiului Otoman.

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Într-un articol cu titlul ”Erdogan și reîntoarcerea Imperiului Otoman”, publicația independentă The New Observer” a publicat, în mai 2016, o interesantă analiză a unor declarații publice făcute de Erdogan cu privire la rolul Turciei în lume, din perspectiva moștenirii lăsate de Imperiul Otoman și a propovăduirii Islamului (sursa: The New Observer). 
Este vorba de discursul rostit de Președintele Erdogan la Instanbul, în ziua de 30 mai 2015, cu ocazia sărbătoririi, de către guvernul turc, a căderii Constantinopolelui creștin sub ocupația armatelor musulmane conduse de Mehmed al II-lea Cuceritorul.
Vă ofer câteva fragmente de ”modernitate” și ”caracter european” din discursul lui Erdogan:

”Discursul a fost tradus din limba turcă în limba engleză, de un jurnalist turc care trăiește acum în Washington DC și a fost publicat de Institutul Gatestone, cu sediul la New York, specializat în propaganda anti-musulmană în sprijinul Israelului.

(N.N. O interesantă analiză și a acestui discurs, sub titlul „Turkey? In EU?”, poate fi lecturată aici:Gateston Institute / fragmente din varianta în limba turcă a discursului pot fi lecturate pe site-ulPreședinției Republicii Turcia
În acest discurs, la care au participat două milioane de oameni care l-au aplaudat, Erdogan a întrebat: "Ce este cucerirea?"
"Cucerirea este Hijrah [expansiunea Islamului prin emigrare, urmând exemplul lui Mohamed, fondatorul Islamului, și adepții săi care au plecat de la Mecca, la Medina]. Cucerirea este Mecca. Este de a curăța Kaaba, casa lui Allah pe pământ, de toți idolii. Cucerirea este Ierusalimul. Este atunci când profetul Omar a ștampilat sigiliul Islamului pe Moscheea Al-Aqsa, primul nostru Qibla [direcția spre care își îndreaptă față un musulman atunci când se roagă, în timpul celor cinci rugăciuni zilnice], respectând toate credințele, inclusiv [cele ale] creștini și evrei (sic! n.n.).
Cucerirea este Al-Andalus [teritoriile musulmane din Spania]. Este de a construi cea mai frumoasă arhitectură, literatură, și cultura lumii, cum ar fi la Cordoba și Granada. Cucerirea este Samarkand [un oraș în prezent zi Uzbekistan și o dată capitala a civilizației antice sogdian a cărei principală religia era zoroastrianismul]. Cucerirea este Buhara [de asemenea, în prezent-zi Uzbekistan. A fost un oraș divers, cu zoroastrian, budiste, evrei și comunitățile creștine Nestoriane]. Este de a stabili una dintre cele mai mari civilizatii ale istoriei in stepele Asiei Centrale. Cucerirea este Salah al-Din al-Ayubbi [Saladin, care în 1187 a invadat Ierusalimul]. Este de a arbora steagul Islamului din Ierusalim, din nou.
Cucerirea este Alp Arslan [al doilea sultan medieval musulman al Imperiului Seljuk, care a cucerit Anatolia]. Cucerirea este de a deschide porțile Anatolia până la Viena pentru această națiune musulmană binecuvântată. Cucerirea este Osman Ghazi [primul sultan otoman]. Cucerirea este de a face sicomorul [Imperiul Otoman] să fie plantat în solul care ar acoperi trei continente și șapte climate prin luminarea inspirată de Sheikh Edebali care a spus: "Faceți omul să trăiască, astfel încât statul să poată să trăiască. Cucerirea este pregătire. Cucerirea este atunci când Sultanul Murad al II-lea a abdicat de la tron pentru fiul său în vârstă de 12 ani, Mehmed al II-lea. Și, desigur, cucerirea este sultanul Mahomed al II-lea, care la 21 de ani, îmbrățișa Istanbulul, orașul cel mai iubit al lumii, după distrugerea Bizanțul de o mie de ani.
Mehmed Cuceritorul a cucerit Istanbulul, în 1453, dar cuceririle au continuat mereu înainte și după aceea. Ele au continuat cu sultanul Selim I sumbrul, Sultan Suleiman Legiuitorul, sultanul Murad IV și sultanul Abdul Hamid al II-lea.
"Cucerirea înseamnă a avea curajul, tenacitatea, și perspicacitate să sfidăm întreaga lume, chiar și în cele mai grele timpuri. Cucerirea începe din 1994 [când Erdogan a fost ales primar al orașului Istanbul]. Cucerirea este de a sluji la Istanbul moștenirea sultanului Mahomed al II-lea.Cucerirea este de a face Turcia se ridice din nou.
La finalul discursului lui Erdogan, mulțimea a strigat: "Aici este armata, aici este comandantul!" 
Cred că prea multe lucruri nu mai sunt de adăugat la această directă și clară declarație de război politic și spiritual pe care o lansează Erdogan către Europa și implicit, către lumea creștină. Devine evident faptul că Erdogan nu dorește o Turcie modernă, democratică și europeană, ci dimpotrivă, este un nostalgic fanatic al restaurării Imperiului Otoman musulman, aderarea Turciei la Uniunea Europeană reprezentând pentru Erdogan nu intrarea în rândul țărilor democratice și civilizate, ci dimpotrivă, doar un mijloc prin care poate fi pusă în aplicare Hijra – expansiunea Islamului prin emigrare, urmând exemplul Profetului Mohamed, fondatorul Islamului, și al adepților săi care au plecat de la Mecca, la Medina.

Prin urmare, afirmația cum că ”Erdogan este un reformator care modernizează Turcia, după modelul democratic, european și occidental” este o afirmație falsă, o gravă eroare de apreciere a ceea ce înseamnă regimul Erdogan și așa-zisele sale reforme.

Afirmația: Erdogan respectă caracterul laic al statului turc și este un islamist moderat.

BBC a publicat un articol sub titlul ”Erdogan – președintele nemilos al Turciei” (sursa: BBC News), din conținutul căruia reiese destul de evident faptul că Erdogan este pe cale să declanșeze o subtilă și deopotrivă accelerată islamizare a Turciei.
În articol se spune că ”Erdogan a a negat că ar avea dorința de a impune valorile islamice, spunând că este loial secularism. Însă, tot Erdogan susține dreptul turcilor de a-și exprima convingerile lor religioase într-un mod cât mai deschis (incompatibil cu caracterul laic al statului, consfințit prin reformele lui Ataturk n.n.).

Acest mesaj islamist se transmite cu putere mai ales în mediul rural și în orașele mici din Anatolia – fieful tradițional al AKP, partidul lui Erdogan. Unii susținători l-au poreclit pe Erdogan cu cognomenul "Sultanul" – ca o actualizare a gloriei Imperiului Otoman.

În octombrie 2013, (la inițiativa lui Erdogan n.n.) Turcia a anulat normele laice privind interzicerea purtării vălului musulman de către femei, în instituțiile de stat din țară – cu excepția sistemului judiciar, Armată și Poliție. Astfel, a fost anulată o restricție laică veche de multe decenii. 

De asemenea, opozanții l-au criticat pe Erdogan pentru tentativa sa de a incrimina adulterul(conform preceptelor musulmane n.n.) și pentru inițiativele sale de a organiza pe teritoriul Turciei așa-zise "zone libere de alcool” (conform acelorași percepte musulmane n.n.). 
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Totodată, opozanții consideră că noul și imensul palat prezidențial construit de Erdogan se constituie un simbol al tendințelor lui autoritariste. Așezat pe un deal, la marginea orașului Ankara, Ak Saray (Palatul Alb) are peste 1.000 de camere și este cu mult mai mare decât Casa Albă sau de decât Kremlinul, iar costurile au depășit estimările inițiale în valoare de 615 milioane de dolari (!)

De fapt, Erdogan și-a manifestat fără ezitare atitudinea islamistă, încă din timpul mandatului de prim-ministru al Turciei. Astfel, conform organizației ”Jihad Watch” (sursa: Jihad Watch), ”în vara anului 2007, vorbind la Kanal D TV, în cadrul emisiunii de dezbateri politice "Arena”, premierul Erdogan a comentat cu privire la termenul de "Islamul moderat", folosit în Occident pentru a descrie partidul său AKP și a spus că "această expresie de Islamul Moderat este foarte urâtă, este ofensatoare și este o insultă la adresa religiei noastre. Nu există nici un Islam moderat sau nemăsurat. Islamul este Islam și atât!".
”Islamul este Islam. Vor fi discutate aceste afirmații în mass-media occidentală? se întreba, la acel moment, autorul analizei de la Jihad Watch. Analiștii europeni și americani vor lua în mod public în discuție problema dacă Erdogan are sau nu are dreptate, și ce implicații ar putea fi, dacă el are dreptate? Sau vor ignora acest lucru și vor continua să-și asume în analizele lor că tocmai opusul acestei declarații ar fi adevărul și să respingă ca fiind "ideologi" sau "Islamofobi" pe cei care atenționează asupra influenței politicienilor musulmani de tipul lui Erdogan și a gravității unor afirmații de genul acesta?”

Paradoxal și șocant, aceste întrebări, vechi de aproape un deceniu, se aplică astăzi pe deplin atitudinii pe care au avut-o liderii politici, dar și analiștii politici și mass-media europeană și americană față de regimul Erdogan, de abuzurile comise de acest regim și de islamizarea treptată a Turciei.

Prin urmare, afirmația că ”Erdogan respectă caracterul laic al statului turc și că ar fi un islamist moderat” este falsă și exprimă o gravă eroare de apreciere.

Alături de aceste afirmații, dovedite prin argumente aduse, ca fiind false, așezăm o afirmație, de această dată, adevărată, anume aceea că Turcia lui Erdogan este marea speranță a Islamului.

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Această afirmație a fost făcută într-un editorial cu titlul ”Turcia și Erdogan sunt marile speranțe ale Islamului” publicat în aprilie 2016, în ”Daily Sabah” (sursa: Daily Sabah), o importantă publicație turcă de nivel național, cu sediul la Istanbul și aparținând de ”Turkuvaz Media Group Corporation”.
În acest articol deosebit de elogios la adresa lui Erdogan, sunt aduse mai multe argumente în susținerea acestei teze, construindu-se în jurul lui Erdogan imaginea subtilă a unui Nou Sultan salvator al Islamului:
Liderii lumii islamice s-au adunat la Istanbul, la Al 13-lea Summitul al Organizației Cooperării Islamice, la încheierea căruia Turcia devine președintele organizației, pe termen lung. Summit-ul G20 a fost găzduit la Antalya, iar Turcia, care va coordona organizația pe termen lung, se va confrunta acum cu provocări și mai mari. 
La prima vedere, Președinția G20 poate părea o mare provocare pentru că exprimă calitatea de reprezentant a 20 de economii importante ale lumii. Cu toate acestea, provocările cu careIslamul și țările musulmane se confruntă astăzi sunt mai mari și mai mortale decât orice provocare (economică n.n.).
Islamul este sub asalt pe mai multe fronturi. O conspirație secretă a pus în mișcare o Cruciadă de tip modern, care este mult mai sinistră și fatală decât provocările la adresa Islamului, de-a lungul istoriei. Invazia mongolă și Cruciade istorice sunt nimic, în comparație cu actualul complot împotriva Islamului.

Conspirația actuală implică un plan pentru a lovi Islamul din interior, fără a fi nevoie să se recurgă la atacurile din exterior. Grupări teroriste sinistre au fost create – ca Al-Qaida și DAESH – și folosesc numele bun al Islamului pentru a instrumenta acte barbare și violente. Acestea provoacă mânie și ură în țările occidentale, unde masele se întorc împotriva minorităților islamice și, prin urmare, ura față de Islam se adâncește și creează islamofobie.

Dar intriga nu se termina aici. Cruciații timpurilor moderne, de asemenea, folosesc cu succes sectarismul pentru a crea diviziuni în rândul musulmanilor, prin conflicte între sunniți și șiiți.Sunniți sunt, de asemenea, asmuțiți unul împotriva celuilalt. De aici infernul din Siria, Irak, Yemen, Libia, Afganistan și în multe alte țări islamice.
Desigur, trebuie să dăm vina pe Cruciații moderni ai timpurilor noastre pentru toate aceste probleme, însă de asemenea, trebuie să fim de acord că, în timp ce hoțul este vinovat, avem și noi datoria de a asigura casele noastre împotriva hoțului, în mod corespunzător și să nu-i dam posibilitatea să ne jefuiască.
Noi trebuie mai întâi să ne întoarcem la rădăcinile Învățăturii Islamice, care a creat mari civilizații, care de fapt a ajutat Occidentul să pună capăt coșmarurilor epocii medievale (sic! n.n.). Trebuie să ne învățăm tânăra noastră generație despre adevăratul Islam și să luptpm împotriva ignoranței și superstițiilor. Acest lucru înseamnă că trebuie să se acorde o mult mai mare importanță educației islamice și serviciilor islamice. Metodele de predare și conținutul educației islamice trebuie să se schimbe radical.
Exemplul turcesc, inițiativele turcești, precum Președinția Cultelor, ar trebui studiate cu atenție.Trăim vremuri când avem nevoie de o țară și un om de stat, care vor conduce lumea islamică în această luptă împotriva Cruciaților moderni de astăzi. Această țară este Turcia și liderul este Preledintele Recep Tayyip Erdoğan!
Este fie harul lui Allah, fie norocul lumii islamice că un astfel de luptător și țara sa să reprezinte lumea islamică în aceste timpuri. Cruciații moderni sunt conștienți de faptul că ei trebuie să oprească pe Erdoğan și Turcia, și prin urmare, ne confruntăm cu problemele atât în interiorul Turciei, cât și pe plan extern.”
Turcia lui Erdogan dorește să cucerască rolul de lider al lumii musulmane și astfel, ajungem la elementul care constituie sinteza tuturor abuzurilor și acțiunilor nedemocratice și islamiste comise de regimul Erdogan: unificarea Islamului sub conducerea Turciei musulmane.
Când scriu aceste rânduri, în Turcia se petrec grozăvii care nu mai au vreo legătură cu acțiunea unui guvern democratic care adoptă măsuri pentru arestarea și pedepsirea celor vinovați de tentativă de lovitură de stat.
Regimul Erdogan a arestat peste 6000 de militari din Armata Turcă și peste 2700 de judecători și procurori din Justiția Turciei. Este IMPOSIBIL ca niște organe de cercetare penală, din orice stat al acestei lumi, să reușească să descopere și să aresteze, în aproximativ 48 de ore, mii de suspecți care ar fi fost implicați într-o tentativă de lovitură de stat.
Este greu de acceptat că ar exista o legătura între cei 2700 de judecători și procurori arestați și lovitura de stat și mai ales, este EXTREM DE SUSPECT că a existat lista cu acești magistrați care au fost arestați în nici 48 de ore de la înăbușirea loviturii de stat.
Președintele Erdogan manifestă o cumplită lașitate și un cinism criminal, solicitând simpatizanților săi și implicit, membrilor partidului său AK, să rămână pe străzi, până la așa-zisa pacificare a țării. Devine evident că lui Erdogan încă îi este frică de furia pe care a provocat-o în rândul Armatei Turce și probabil că lui Erdogan îi este frică și de o eventuală intervenție militară sau politică din străinătate, care ar avea ca scop înlăturarea lui de la putere. Nu în ultimul rând, Erdogan vrea să țină străzile ocupate de simpatizanții săi și membrii partidului său, pentru a împiedica orice manifestație sau protest al opoziției politice și laice din țară.
Suntem martorii celei mai mari epurări politice operate de la căderea comunismului și a dictaturilor orientale, o epurare care are loc sub ochii holbați de neputință ai lumii libere și democratice.
În timp ce, în Turcia, democrația este definitiv asasinată, iar moștenirea lui Kemal Ataturk este pentru întotdeauna aruncată la groapa de gunoi a istoriei, liderii Uniunii Europene și ai SUA se comportă cu o stângăcie vecină cu prostia. Deocamdată, niciun lider american sau european nu a lansat un apel direct și sever către Erdogan, prin care să-i solicite garanții că va respecta principiile democratice și că va restabili mecanismele democratice în Turcia.
Acei lideri U.E. care, până mai ieri, solicitau cu gura plină ca Turcia să fie primită în Uniunea Europeană, sunt acum loviți de muțenie, iar Președintele Obama pare încă blocat în declarația stupidă din noaptea loviturii de stat din Turcia, prin care făcea apel să fie ajutat ”guvernul turc ales democratic” – deși, probabil că Președintele SUA a fost corect și complet informat de către CIA și diplomații americani din Turcia, despre ”artificiile” electorale comise de Erdogan și suspiciunile grave de fraudă electorală care planează asupra ultimilor alegeri parlamentare din Turcia (despre suspiciunile de fraudă electorală lecturați aici: NATIONAL REVIEW).
Nu știm foarte clar cine a instrumentat tentativa de lovitură de stat și dacă scopul ei ar fi fost într-adevăr salvarea Turciei de la islamizare și de la un regim dictatorial de ”rit otoman” condus de Erdogan ”Sultanul”.
Observăm însă că acțiunile adoptate de regimul Erdogan în numele așa-zisei ”pedepsiri a autorilor loviturii de stat” confirmă că Turcia abandonează reformele democratice și se îndreaptă cu pași mari spre restaurarea Imperiului Otoman Musulman și spre rolul de lider atotputernic al lumii musulmane.
Post Scriptum - Observ două feluri de simpatii în rândul comentatorilor și cititorilor români: o simpatie pentru "democratul" Erdogan, care "apără democrația", dar si restaurează "tradițiile spirituale" ale turciloro simpatie pentru Armata Turciei care a încercat printr-o lovitură de stat "mesianică" să salveze Turcia din mâinile autoritariste ale lui Erdogan. Trebuie spus că probabil o astfel de simpatie pentru Armata turcă s-ar putea crede că ar exista și în textul meu. 
Sunt simpatii discutabile. Aici nu vorbim neapărat despre reformele lui Ataturk - pretextul invocat de ambele tabere implicate - deși datorită acestor reforme, Turcia a scăpat de despotismul otoman și de fanatismul islamic, cel puțin până la Erdogan. Aici vorbim despre încercarea statului turc laic modelat de Ataturk - și a cărui laicitate era garantată tradițional de Armata turcă - de a păstra prezența religiei islamice în societatea Turciei moderne, în limitele moderației. Islamul nu este Crestinismul, iar în conviețuirea lui cu statul, de cele mai multe ori s-a impus, a transformat statul într-un instrument de ofensivă și prozelitism islamic, iar aceasta nu doar în Evul Mediu, ci până în timpurile noastre. Erdogan nu dorește un Islam defensiv, ci singur declară că dorește un Islam ofensiv, care să cucerească "spațiul vital".
Pe de altă parte, democrația nu se poate salva prin lovituri de stat "mesianice", așa cum s-a obișnuit Armata Turcă. Totuși, când discutăm despre tentativa de lovitură de stat a Armatei turce - dacă a fost cu adevărat cu scopul de a salva democrația - trebuie să ținem cont de modul, să-l numim oriental, în care Armata turcă înțelege să se implice în "salvarea" democrației, adică prin folosirea armelor.
În concluzie, este dificil să ai simpatie pentru vreuna din taberele în conflict, din Turcia, darpericolul pe care îl reprezintă politica "otomană" și islamistă tot mai insistent promovată de regimul Erdogan, trebuie să fie clar pentru toată lumea, având în vedere numeroasele dovezi existente.

Mesaje : 10767
Data de înscriere : 05/11/2012

Sus In jos

CARE - Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan Empty KORECT : în Turcia a fost un joc operativ al serviciilor secrete fidele președintelui turc.

Mesaj Scris de Admin Lun Iul 18, 2016 11:56 am

"Lovitura de stat din Turcia are caracteristicile unui joc operativ al serviciilor secrete fidele regimului Erdogan. Probabil, grupul a fost format la initiativa provocatorilor din servicii, care i-au atras pe ofiterii din opozitia militara in aceasta aventura, pentru a-i determina sa se expuna. Sunt cateva argumente care pledeaza pentru un plan de amploare gandit cu multa vreme inainte.
- amploarea si rapiditatea arestarilor, atipice pentru un regim minat de opozita din institutiile pe care se sprijina, cel putin teoretic (in Rusia din perioada 1991-1992 nu s-a putut)
- atacul asupra institutiilor care alcatuiesc "resturile" statului laic turc
- existenta "victimelor ritualice", care i-au dat posibilitatea lui Erdogan sa se prezinte natiunii ca o victima plansa care se razbuna cu deplin temei
- reluarea prealabila a legaturilor cu Rusia, stabilirea unei intalniri cu Putin pentru august, in paralel cu responsabilizarea directa a SUA pentru lovitura
Urmeaza sa vedem cum va evolua situatia, dar prelungirea starii de urgenta arata ca regimul are planuri mari si ca nu a terminat represiunea. Probabil, in scurt timp, la represiune vom vedea participand grupuri de turci "revoltati", care ii vor ataca pe cei din opozitie, fapt care va impune luare celor in cauza sub "protectia" politiei si a armatei si internarea lor in locuri "sigure".
Pana acum, nimic nou". 

Mesaje : 10767
Data de înscriere : 05/11/2012

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CARE - Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan Empty Hop si bravul SRS : "Ar putea fi pierduta Turcia? "Duca-se in haleasca baclava

Mesaj Scris de Admin Lun Iul 18, 2016 12:02 pm

Isi poate permite NATO sa piarda aceasta piesa grea din angrenajul sau? Se poate, pana la urma, lipsi Uniunea Europeana de suportul Turciei, care nu face parte dintre membrii comunitatii? Ar putea determina evolutiile negative din acest stat, cu 77 de milioane de locuitori si cu un PIB de 9.680 de dolari pe cap de locuitor, o detasare a Vestului de acest important partener geostrategic? Raspunsul la toate aceste intrebari este nu. Dar, in aceste conditii, cum va coexista totusi NATO si Uniunea Europeana cu dificilul si imprevizibilul partener?
Oricat am incerca sa ne ascundem dupa degete, acest al Treilea Razboi Mondial, care a debutat intr-o forma asimetrica, este si un razboi al religiilor. O componenta majora a terorismului, un fundament ideologic al Statului Islamic care continua sa existe in Siria si Irak, dar care functioneaza disimult in toate marile orase ale civilizatiei occidentale este religia islamica. Iar Turcia este un stat islamic. Intr-o proprortie de peste 90%. La fel cum se poate spune despre Turcia ca este, in acelasi timp, si un stat asiatic. Tot intr-o proportie de peste 90%.
Vorbim despre a doua putere NATO. Vorbim despre prima putere NATO pe Marea Neagra. Vorbim despre un stat care, desi nu are un statut nuclear, dispune, pe teritoriul lui, prin aranjamentele NATO, de cel mai sofisticat armament nuclear.  Vorbim despre un stat care, desi are un Produs Intern Brut ridicat care il plaseaza pe locul 66 in lume si care este un important mebru NATO, nu  a fost totusi acceptat ca membru al Uniunii Europene. Si, desi nimeni nu afirma acest lucru in mod oficial, motivul este de natura religioasa. Deci, ne intoarcem, din nou, la islamism. Ne bazam pe Turcia, un stat profund si eminamente islamic, pentru a bloca, cu ajutorul ei, ascensiunea fundamentalismului islamic. E complicat, nu?
Si e chiar mai complicat decat atat. Daca ne gandim la pozitia geostrategica a Turciei. Se invecineaza, atentie, cu Bulgaria, cu Grecia, cu Siria, cu Irak, cu Iran, cu Georgia, cu Armenia si Azerbaijan. In Marea Neagra, este cel mai important rival, si singurul de altfel, al Rusiei. Dar Turcia controleaza si Mediterana si Marea Egee. In ciuda acestei pozitii geostrategice sau tocmai din cauza ei, Turcia are probleme litigioase cu toti vecinii. Nu ii mai enumar. Iar situatia se complica atunci cand vorbim de o populatie masiva care inca nu este stat, dar ar putea sa devina atat pe teritorul Turciei, cat si in proximitatea ei. Acest stat virtual este Kurdistan. Kurzii pe care turcii ii taxeaza drept teroristi, in timp ce principalul aliat NATO al Turciei, Statele Unite, afirma ca reprezinta un element important al luptei antiteroriste. Si fiindca vorbim despre Statele Unite, bomboana pe coliva a fost pusa chiar zilele trecute de catre cele mai inalte autoritati de la Ankara, care afirma raspicat ca orice stat care adaposteste vreun cap al loviturii de stat esuate trebuie sa se considere in razboi cu Turcia. Ori, dupa cum se stie, in Statele Unite traieste, in calitate de auto-exilat, clericul Fethullah Gulen, considerat drept  varful de lance al puciului, un personaj extrem de periculos care a creat o a doua Turcie. Un fel de o a doua autoritate statala, compusa din militari si mii de reprezentanti ai justitiei. Si intarita printr-o veritabila retea de asezaminte scolare si fundatii, unele dintre ele existente si controlate si pe teritoriul Romaniei, pe sub nasul Serviciului de Informatii Externe condus de Mihai Razvan Ungureanu.
Fiindca ne-am intors din nou la SIE, este utila o precizare. Acum, in aceasta criza majora de natura sa schimbe fundamental lucrurile in intreg flancul sud-estic al NATO si al Uniunii Europene, se va vedea foarte repede si foarte usor daca acest serviciu secret face sau nu paralele cu care este platit de contribuabili.
Analizele SIE, sustinute de informatii certe, ar fi trebuit sa-i indice decidentului politic de la Bucuresti nu numai pericolul potential al tentativei de puci din Turcia, cu toate implicatiile interne si extrene, ci si caracterul exploziv pentru siguranta nationala a Romaniei a existentei acelei retele de scoli patronate de Gulen si de ONG-uri pe teritoriul tarii noastre. Asa cum a afirmat, cu subiect si predicat, ambasadorul Turciei la Bucuresti.
Si tot SIE este si va fi responsabil in fata decidentilor politici pentru calitatea informatiiilor si sintezelor de natura sa anticipeze evolutiile in planul politicii interne a Turciei si a repozitionarii sale externe. Sa retinem ca Turcia se indreapta vijelios, din directia unei democratii parlamentare, catre o autocratie sau chiar catre o dictatura, abandonand toate valorile democratice si ale statului de drept care au consacrat-o drept partener NATO si candidat UE, iar in plan extern, cu toate conflictele pe care le are cu vecinii sai, Turcia se reorienteaza catre alte parteneriate decat cele euro-atlantice.
Este situatia tipica in care un stat cum e Romania, pus in situatia de a lua primul val in piept, trebuie sa se bazeze pe un serviciu de informatii dedicat. Si profesionist. Avem asa ceva? Daca se dovedeste ca nu, atunci SIE trebuie reformat. Incepand de la cap. Dar pana la temelie.
Sursa: CorectNews

Mesaje : 10767
Data de înscriere : 05/11/2012

Sus In jos

CARE - Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan Empty " Ce face MRU, seful SIE, pierde razboiul? Sau tradeaza? " NUUU , doar face laba

Mesaj Scris de Admin Lun Iul 18, 2016 12:06 pm

Pana in acest moment, analistilor politici care au analizat lovitura de stat din Turcia, cu toate consecintele ei, le-a scapat o coordonata esentiala. Ce a stiu si ce nu a stiu Serviciul de Informatii Externe in legatura cu pregatirile pentru puciul militar din Turcia si derularea evenimentelor. In ce masura Mihai Razvan Ungureanu i-a informat sau nu pe decidentii politici. Daca SIE a semnalat sau nu uriasul potential de risc implicat de existenta, in Romania, a celor 11 scoli si a unor organizatii asa-zis umanitare initiate de clericul islamist radical auto-exilat in Statele Unite, despre care guvernul turc afirma ca este principalul organizator al puciului militar. Daca SIE nu a stiut nimic despre toate astea si despre multe altele, atunci intreaga sa conducere trebuie maturata. Incepand cu MRU. Daca serviciul secret a stiut si nu l-a informat pe presedintele Kaus Iohannis, atunci, pur si simplu, MRU e un tradator. Iar daca presedintele a fost totusi informat si nu a actionat, atunci opinia publica treuie sa afle acest lucru de indata.
Puciul esuat din Turcia, initiat de fostul sef al principalului serviciu secret in complicitate cu mai multi capi ai armatei, despre care clericul radical Gulen, auto-exilat in Statele Unite, afirma ca a fost regizat, putea fi anticipat. Si chiar a fost. Au existat intalniri intre capii loviturii de stat si eminente cenusii ale altor puteri, anterioare puciului, care nu au ramas necunoscute opiniei publice. Cum a  fost, de pilda, intalnirea intre fostul sef al serviciului secret al Turciei si Aleksandr Dughin, considerat cel mai important consilier neoficial in materie de politica externa al presedintelui Putin. In presa internationala, de cateva saptamani, au aparut informatii care au avertizat asupra pericolului unei lovituri militare pusa la cale in Turcia. Deci, ceea ce au stiut jurnalistii, au stiut analistii bine informati, trebuia sa stie si reprezentantii Servicului de Informatii Externe al Romaniei.
La fel cum iminenta puciului militar trebuie sa fi facut sa sune clopoteii de alarma in principalele capitale ale lumii. Nu numai Moscova a fost informata chiar de la “sursa”, ci, cu certitudine,si cele mai puternice state NATO, in frunte cu Statele Unite. Cu atat mai mult cu cat, iata, presedintele Recep Tayyip Erdogan, prim-ministrul si alti demnitari de la Ankara afirma raspicat faptul ca eminenta cenusie a puciului esuat este un cleric radical islamist, auto-exilat in Statele Unite. Acesta este acuzat, in mod oficial, ca a construit un stat turc paralel, alcatuit din mii de militari, din mii de judecatori, nenumarati demnitari ai statului si sutinut de o parte a presei din Turcia. Mai mult chiar, Statele Unite sunt somate sa-l predea de indata pe clericul Gulen. In caz contrar, Turcia, cel mai puternic aliat NATO din Europa, declarand ca se va afla in stare de razboi cu Statele Unite, de la distanta, cel mai puternic partener NATO. Situatia, indiferent care este adevarul, este pe cat de uluitoare, pe atat de exploziva. Iar bomboana pe coliva in ceea ce ne priveste, dincolo de destabilizarea grava a flancului de sud-est al NATO, este informatia transmisa cu o zi in urma si necontrazisa de nimeni, pe postul de televiziune Realitatea TV, de catre insusi ambasadorul Turciei la Bucuresti, Osman Koray Ertas, conform careia “inamicul numarul unu”, clericul Gulen, a initiat in tara noastra o retea  de scoli si de organizatii asa-zis umanitare, toate fiind parte a prezumtivului complot impotriva statului turc.
Faptul ca nu se  raspunde prompt, de la Bucuresti, unei asemenea acuzatii, macar cu promptitudinea si maniera diplomatica in care a facut-o Washingtonul, demonstreaza fie o grava impotenta, fie o condamnabila inconstienta, fie un criminal act de tradare.
Cu exceptia catorva analisti specialisti in geopolitica, cel mai activ dintre acestia fiind Gozmin Gusa, mai simt nevoia sa spun ca populatia din Romania nu a primit nici informatii complete si nici opinii concludente referitoare la unul dintre cele mai periculoase evenimnete in derulare, care are loc in proximitatea Romaniei si care afecteaza, pe termen lung, in mod grav, securitatea continentului tocmai in flancul de sud-est.
Nu s-a spus suficient de clar, suficient de raspicat si suficient de argumentat ca ceea ce, spre cinstea lor, au salvat cetatenii turci nu este nici pe departe un stat de drept. Si nici restabilirea situatiei, pentru care au pledat principalele state ale lumii si pe care o clameaza reprezentantii marilor puteri solidarizandu-se cu Erdogan, nu reprezinta o revenire la normalitate.
In plan intern, Turcia, care a cunoscut in ultimii ani o efervescenta economica, dispune de o presa din ce in ce mai ostracizata, mai inhibata, pe alocuri chiar suprimata, incapabila sa se transforme intr-un caine de paza al societatii. Puterea judecatoreasca este si ea stransa cu usa, judecatorii fiind mutati in masa si in mod arbitrar, prin decizii administrative dar, in realitate, politice, dintr-o regiune in alta, iar mai recent sunt demisi si arestati in masa. Coruptia este endemica si se desfasoara avand drept temelie clanurile politice cultivate de Erdogan dupa reteta Eltin – la fel cum, corect, a semnalat Cozmin Gusa –, in timp ce opozitia este anesteziata. Cu peste 3.000 de militari arestati in acest moment, intre care insusi seful Armatei a treia si mai multi generali, si cu spectrul reintroducerii pedepsei cu moartea, Turcia este departe de  a fi un stat de drept, chiar daca puciul a esuat. Si in loc sa se apropie, se indeparteaza din ce in ce mai mult de Uniunea Europeana, unde, de pilda, pedeapsa cu moartea este pretutindeni abolita. Sub aspectul politicii interne, Erdogan sta pe un butoi de pulbere creat in mare masura de el insusi, chair daca puciul esuat, regizat sau nu, ii creeaza o teribila oportunitate pentru a taia si a spanzura, intarindu-si o putere mai mult personala, in beneficiul Turciei.
In plan extren, situatia este inca si mai complicata. Este adevarat ca Turcia, militar vorbind, este cel mai important jucator NATO din zona, dar la fel de adevarat este ca acest jucator este pe cat de imprevizibil, pe atat de nesigur. Sa ne reamintim ca, in ultima vreme, Erdogan a intrat in conflict nu numai cu Rusia, ci si cu Iranul, cu Israelul, cu Siria, cu Germania si, mai recent cu Statele Unite, amenintate chiar cu un razboi. Sa ne mai reamintim de schizofrenia de la Ankara, de tip otoman, atunci cand vine vorba despre kurzii care actioneaza in Siria. Considerati de Statele Unite drept unitati care lupta legitim impotriva Statului Isalmaic, iar de catre Ankara drept teroristi. Sa ne mai amintim de duplicitatea Turciei atunci cand se facea ca ataca Statul Islamic, atacandu-i de fapt pe turci si, in acelasi timp, importand petrol de la teroristi. In fine, pentru a incheia partial, sa luam in calcul si jocul perfid legat de traficul cu refugiati catre Uniunea Europeana, via Turcia, oprit in momentul in care santajul si-a atins efectul, iar Erdogan a  primit ceea ce a pretins.
Intreg acest complex, extrem de exploziv, de probleme scoase in evidenta de puciul militar esuat si de tot ceea ce urmeaza sa se petreaca sub domnia lui Erdogan, care va profita din plin de cele intamplate stand sub umbrela unei relative solidaritati internationale – caci nimeni nu isi doreste inlocuitea raului existent printr-un rau si mai mare, cum ar fi o junta militara ultra-nationalista –, ar fi trebuit sa oblige Romania la o vigilenta maxima. Si asta inseamna ca, din nou, este obligatoriu sa ne punem cuvenitele semne de intrebare privind calitatea prestatiei si loalitatea binomului MRU-Predoiu de la SIE.
Sursa: CorectNews

Mesaje : 10767
Data de înscriere : 05/11/2012

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CARE - Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan Empty Everything You Need To Know About The Turkish Coup

Mesaj Scris de Admin Mar Iul 19, 2016 5:37 am

Why was the coup mounted?
This requires assumptions about who carried out the coup. One theory is that the followers of self-exiled cleric Fethullah Gulen knew that they were going to be purged and decided to strike first.
Was the coup concocted by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to give himself the excuse to crack down?
It is more likely that Mr Erdogan is taking advantage of a real coup to rid the armed forces and key state institutions of all who do not give him full obedience.
He called it “a gift from God” in that it would allow him to do so. An argument against the theory that the coup was a put-up job is that it involved too many people, including high-ranking military officers, and might even have succeeded if the plotters had been able to eliminate Mr Erdogan.
Why did the coup fail?
The plotters did not eliminate Mr Erdogan and did not include the majority of the military high command. They did not enjoy any popular support and did not gain control of communications and the media. They did not have enough soldiers to suppress popular protests in favour of the President. The timing of the coup is also peculiar since it took place late Friday night when people were still up and going outside and not in the early hours of the morning as is traditional.
Is the civilian reaction being orchestrated?
Mr Erdogan successfully orchestrated public protests in order to thwart the coup by calling for them on an iPhone held in front of a television camera. So far as can be judged these were carried out his committed supporters and right-wing nationalists, the numbers on the streets being boosted by free public transport until Monday night. A feature of the coup was that there were no demonstrations in favour of it because the coup plotters announced a curfew and, in any case, Mr Erdogan’s many opponents do not necessarily want him replaced by a military government.
The mosques also played a significant role in mobilising his constituency by calling people onto the streets and delivering sermons all night long as jets flew overhead. Secular Turks are worried that religiously inspired mobs will become a permanent factor in Turkish politics, but there is no doubt that Mr Erdogan is massively popular among a large part of the Turkish public. An online poll by software company Streetbees shows that in answer to the question of whether or not they wanted the army to seize power 82 per cent said no and 18 per cent said yes. The president may be using the coup for his own ends but there is no doubt that he has a democratic mandate.
Is Turkey still a democracy?
In one sense yes: Mr Erdogan’s AKP party was democratically elected in a general election on 1 November, last year. But he runs an increasingly authoritarian government and has taken over or suppressed most critical television stations and newspapers. Mr Erdogan is getting close to his dream of an all-powerful presidency which controls all the levers of power including the judiciary, armed forces and bureaucracy.
Where does this leave the EU deal and the refugee crisis?
Mr Erdogan is a tough negotiator but has proven himself to be an unreliable partner when it comes to long-term commitments.
How will this affect relations with Russia (after the plane that was shot down, and ahead of a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin)?
Before the coup Turkey had effectively apologised for shooting down the plane. Mr Erdogan is trying to reduce Turkey’s international isolation by improving relations with Russia and Israel.
But relations with Russia are unlikely to be transformed so long as Turkey is backing groups seeking to overthrow Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Russia is committed to preventing regime change in Syria.

Mesaje : 10767
Data de înscriere : 05/11/2012

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CARE - Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan Empty Three Great Articles On Erdogan's Dangerous And Arrogant Response To Failed Coup

Mesaj Scris de Admin Mar Iul 19, 2016 5:48 am

Three Great Articles On Erdogan's Dangerous And Arrogant Response To Failed Coup

An excerpt from, "A Very Predictable Coup?" By Philip Giraldi, The American Conservative, July 18, 2016:
So the aborted military coup has become a great victory for President Erdogan. It remains to be seen how exactly he will exploit it, but it is certain that he will use it as a pretext for expanding his own powers. To those who object to the notion that the Turkish president would kill his own soldiers to advance his political agenda, one might note that he was considering doing so in 2014 to create a pretext for war with Syria. Consequently the question whether Erdogan might actually have helped set up the coup in a version of a false flag operation is certainly intriguing and must be considered. It should be taken into account by the White House before contemplating bending to any demands from Ankara to extradite Gulen or any of his associates.

An excerpt from, "Cashing in on a failed coup" By Vijay Prashad, The Hindu, July 19, 2016:
Not one Turkish political party backed the coup. Everyone opposed it, including the Republicans and the Left. The Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), which is the party of the Kurds and the Left, said that it is “against all kinds of coups. There is no way but democracy”. Turkish society should take comfort that there is little political appetite for a coup. Nonetheless, there is a great deal of concern at the use of the coup by Mr. Erdogan to push his agenda. The imams from the mosques, through the night of July 15, called upon their supporters to take to the squares. At the funeral service for those killed during the coup, Mr. Erdogan reiterated the call for people to occupy public spaces across Turkey. Violence against political opponents of Mr. Erdogan and the AKP have picked up in Turkey.It has meant little that the Opposition has been united. A generous president would have built national unity around that. Mr. Erdogan’s is a narrower game. He has used the polarity to his advantageThe coup failed this time. But it is not the end of violence. Turkey remains at the edge of the precipice.

An excerpt from, "What Happened In Turkey?" By Guney Işıkara, Alp Kayserilioğlu, & Max Zirngast, Jacobin, July 18, 2016:
All in all, what happened within the last days and what is to follow in the next days was neither a military coup for democracy nor democracy against a military coup.

It was and remains a war between coup and countercoup, developments that will further authoritarianism and deepen instead of solve the hegemonic crisis. What seems to be a massive comeback of Erdoğan might prove to be a poisoned chalice.

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Data de înscriere : 05/11/2012

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CARE - Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan Empty DUGIN'S GUIDELINE: "COUP D' ÉTAT IN TURKEY"

Mesaj Scris de Admin Mar Iul 19, 2016 11:01 am

Dugin's guideline: the truth about the recent pro-american coup d' état in Turkey

  • geopolitical analysis & forecast
  • the chronology of the pro-americain coup d' état 

Greetings, you are watching Dugin’s Guideline. At the end of last week, an attempted coup d’etat took place in Turkey. It was thwarted.
It just so happened that on Friday, July 15th, I was live on Tsargrad TV from Ankara speaking about the terrorist attack in Nice. Who could know that literally just a few hours later, a coup would begin.
And so here is what happened. Given that during my visit I had met with a number of senior officials in Turkish politics and in particular with the mayor of Ankara, Ibrahim Melih Gokcek, the overall picture of the political alignment of forces in Turkey on the eve of the putsch seemed to me to be completely clear. That very same Ibrahim Melih Gokcek, a figure very close to President Erdogan, told me during our conversations of a parallel state, paralel devlet in Turkish, which the sect of Fethullah Gulen succeeded in establishing in Turkey. This sect has its headquarters in the US, in Pennsylvania, from which a developed network of agents of influence which have penetrated Turkish society are managed. Melih Gokcek confessed that he had not immediately figured this out, but that it had later become clear that CIA-managed structures were operating under the guise of humanitarian programs and charity.
What’s more, Melih Gokcek said in a private conversation something that, once the coup had already begun, he announced publicly: it was none other than Fethullah Gulen’s sect which stood behind the downing of our plane and murder of our pilot. The US’ objective was embroiling Ankara and Moscow at a time when both countries were coming to an understanding. The plane and the death of the pilot were a tool of geopolitical intrigue. Meanwhile, the Americans understood that Erdogan’s positions, whom they wanted to replace with their direct protege, Davutoglu, would become shaky thanks to a boycott of Russia. Thus, two forces formed in Turkey: one of them was made up of conditional Kemalists, patriots who wanted to immediately restore relations with Russia and then pushed Erdogan to apologize, and the the Gulen sect and other purely pro-American structures who, on the contrary, did everything they could to prevent this.
When Melih Gokcek and I parted ways two hours before the coup, he said: “We underestimated the power of the parallel state that the Americans and Gulen’s supporters established inside Turkey. This was our mistake. But now we are going to fix it, the first step being new rapprochement with Moscow.”
When I was waiting for my flight to Moscow at the Ankara airport, I heard shots and explosions. The airport was shut down by soldiers and flights were canceled. The news spread that a coup was underway. People said that the military had rebelled against Erdogan. But it was immediately clear for me that the American agents in the mid-range, but influential positions of the army, i.e., Fethullah Gulen’s network, had opted for extreme measures. This was the last chance to kick out Erdogan, who, supported by the Kemalists, decided to break with Washington and turn to Eurasian politics, to Moscow. Many Turkish politicians then told me that Turkey was seriously considering exiting NATO and striving  for a rapprochement with Moscow on security issues, so the American agents had only one way out: a coup. This is what the pro-American forces attempted to accomplish.
Uncertainty dragged on for one night. But by the morning, the patriotic forces of Turkey had quelled the mutiny. And what was before just a whisper immediately began to be announced from public podiums by not only the mayor of Ankara or the prime minister, but also by Erdogan himself: the coup was launched by the same forces who shot down the Russian plane. Nothing personal: just the parallel state, the paralel devlet.
But now nothing can hinder Turkey from leaving NATO, getting closer with Russia, and once and for all breaking off relations with those who wanted to overthrow the legitimate government. “Forward to the Moscow-Ankara Axis”, as my book released in Turkey 10 years ago was titled. Back then, I explicitly, like other times, ran ahead. But now history has caught up with this strategic idea.
Goodbye, you’ve been watching Dugin’s Pro-Turkish Guideline.
For many centuries, Russia and Turkey prevented each other from achieving their desired goals. Hence the numerous wars. If we pursue a common strategy, we can resolve all of our problems together by means of peace and strategic partnership. It was this alternative that the great Russian philosopher, Slavophile, and conservative, Konstantin Leontyev, so prophetically spoke of.


Mesaje : 10767
Data de înscriere : 05/11/2012

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CARE - Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan Empty ANALIZĂ/ MARELE JOC DE POKER GEOSTRATEGIC: America și UE s-au predat Sultanului Erdogan, jocul riscant cu Rusia și Iran, explozivul Extrem Orient, China, Israelul și ÎNTREBĂRILE CHEIE

Mesaj Scris de Admin Mar Iul 19, 2016 7:22 pm

Statele Unite ale Americii și UE au cedat în fața Turciei și a lui Erdogan după criza puciului eșuat, este concluzia analiștilor de politică externă contactați de FLUX 24. Dar MARELE JOC geostrategic este doar la început și are câteva necunoscute cheie: China, alegerile prezidențiale din Austria și Franța, alegerile din Germania care urmează, situația explozivă din Extremul Orient: Japonia și Coreea de Sud, neuitând de Coreea de Nord. Iar Israelul tace.
Toate criticile făcute în ultimele 48 de ore de către Washington, Bruxelles și alte capitale europene către Turcia s-au referit strict la posibilitatea ca Ankara să reintroducă pedeapsa cu moartea și nu în privința masivelor arestări dispuse de regimul Erdogan, Occidentul a cedat pe toată linia, a comentat un analist de politică externă pentru FLUX 24.
Nici o cancelarie occidentală NU a condamnat arestările și confiscările averilor funcționarilor înainte să existe o decizie definitivă a justiției, este ceva de necrezut, toată lumea democratică a cedat și tace vinovat, a spus un alt observator.
Nu în ultimul rând criza din Turcia poate duce și la o explozie a băncilor europene, mai ales după criza #Brexit.
America a greșit când a încurajat așa-zisele revoluții ale primăverii arabe și mai apoi și-a dat seama că a scăpat controlul. În Turcia, inițial SUA și aliații au tăcut când a izbucnit așa-zisul puci, mai apoi la câteva ore au reacționat în favoarea lui Erdogan, dar partida era pe moment la final de etapă, Erdogan a mutat și a câștigat prima rundă, dar are parțial cărțile cu care poate juca în continuare, dar mult mai complicat. Situația geopolitică indică că jocul se poate restarta oricând ținând cont de China, Extremul Orient, Franța, Germania, Austria, nu cred că cineva poate da un verdict acum definitiv, dar la acest moment când vorbim Erdogan evident că are vânt în pupă, Occidentul a greșit încă o dată în analiza sa. Rămâne de văzut poziția Israelului, care în ultimul timp a realizat împăcarea istorică cu Turcia, interesele lor par mai degrabă convergente cu cele ale Moscovei, iar cearta cu America din ce în ce mai acută pe filiera democrată. E un mare joc de poker geostragegic, cu multe necunoscute încă, a comentat editorul FLUX 24, Andrei Bădin.
Erdogan fie că ne place sau nu are cheia pe moment pe zona Orientului, poate muta și dă impresia că ar putea muta în continuare, poate joacă și la cacialma, dar cu siguranță se simte acum puternic. Are 3 milioane de migranți în Turcia cărora le poate da drumul spre Europa, poate face jocurile, se simte puternic, dar va fi o mare problemă pentru el trocul pe Siria cu Iranul și rușii, a comentat un alt analist pentru FLUX 24.
În același timp, Erdogan supralicitează, simte că are cărți în mână, dar și în mânecă, iar Moscova evident îl curtează, ca și Teheranul, dar și aici sunt foarte multe necunoscute pentru Turcia mai ales ținând cont de războiul tradițional între sunniți și șiiți, unde Rusia și Iranul îl susțin pe liderul Siriei, Bashar al-Assad, dușmanul lui Erdogan și alianța turcilor cu ISIS.
Erdogan anunță o axă cu Moscova și Teheranul. În câteva zile va merge să se întâlnească cu Vladimir Putin, prima întâlnire cu un lider străin după puci. Într-un cuvânt arată pisica Occidentului. Și joacă și pe cartea războiului cu Arabia Saudită, aliatul tradițional al Americii, inamicul Iranului și al Turciei, pe miza războiului între sunniți și siiți. În tot acest amalgam de jocuri geostrategice China va juca un rol important, dar deocamdată tace, probabil că privește mai atent la jocurile din Orient, dar cu siguranță trebuie să privim tabloul global care e unul foarte complicat chiar dacă acum Erdogan pare pe cai mari, a opinat o sursă diplomatică pentru FLUX 24.

Mesaje : 10767
Data de înscriere : 05/11/2012

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CARE - Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan Empty Turkey – Failed Coup – Real or Fake?

Mesaj Scris de Admin Mar Iul 19, 2016 10:18 pm

[size=12]Blog/Middle East

Posted Jul 20, 2016 by Martin Armstrong

CARE - Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan Turkey-Flag
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You have been warning that we are in an upward trend now for civil unrest which includes coups to revolutions as distinguished from a foreign war or invader. At the Berlin cocktail party last year you said Turkey was a risk for the risk in civil war. You said it should begin next year. Was this failed coup attempt what you were referring to?
ANSWER: Turkey has a history of military coups— 1960, 1971, and 1980. It has had two cycles running through its political history since the fall of the Ottoman Empire in 1920. The two cycles are 8.6-year based frequencies. The armistice of October 31, 1918, ended the fighting between the Ottoman Empire and the Allies. However, it did not bring peace to the region. The Sultan, Mehmed VI, feared he would be deposed, but the Allies knew he was a figurehead and hoped that his retention would ensure post-war stability. They did not want to cut off his head in fear that his replacement would be far worse.
In November 1919, the Ottoman government did nothing to stop the Allies. The Allies delayed the signing of the peace treaty known as the Treaty of Sèvres (1920) with the Ottoman Empire only because they were arguing among themselves over who would take what countries. The treaty was not signed until August 10, 1920, confirming French and British possession of Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, and Iraq in the guise of League of Nations mandates.
Sharif Hussein ibn Ali was rewarded for his leadership of the Arab Revolt with international recognition of the Hejaz as an independent kingdom. The treaty effectively gave the Greeks possession of eastern Thrace and ‘Ionia’ (western Anatolia); the Italians got the Dodecanese Islands and a ‘zone of influence’ in southwestern Anatolia. To the east, the Armenians were given an independent state, taking in much of eastern Anatolia, while the Kurds were granted an ill-defined autonomous region and promised a referendum on independence, which has yet to take place. The Ottoman state’s army was limited to 50,000 men and its navy to a dozen coastal patrol boats with no air force whatsoever.
CARE - Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan ConstantineXI1453QuaterHyper
It was at this point that Mustafa Kemal emerged as a leading figure in Turkey. His rule brought a form of Turkish nationalism that was very different from the pan-Turkic ideals up to that point. Kemal believed that the once-great Ottoman Empire had become a dead weight on the Turkish people who needed a homeland of their own. Keep in mind that the Turks invaded that region and took the territory from the Greek Byzantine Empire when the last emperor, Constantine XI (1448-1453), died on the walls of Constantinople in 1453, ending more than 1,000 years of history.
Kemal and his supporters sought to establish a new Turkish state based on Anatolia, where most of the empire’s Turkish population had traditionally lived since the fall of Byzantium. Kemal and other nationalists began hiding weapons from Allied disarmament teams and encouraged the formation of local Turkish civilian militias and political alliances between nationalist groups. They also attempted to divide the Allies through political intrigues, which was rather easy to do.
CARE - Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan Lydia-FirstCoins
The greatest military threat to the Turkish nationalists came from the Greeks, whose claims to western Anatolia, eastern Thrace, and Constantinople were reinforced by the large ethnic Greek populations in those regions. The Greeks occupied Ionia for thousands of years and fought against the Persian invaders ever since Cyrus the Great. It was here that coinage was invented by the Greeks, first with the standardization of weight, and then by impressing a design to guarantee its authenticity by the king of Lydia. On May 15, 1919, Greek troops occupied the ancient port city of Smyrna (modern-day Izmir). More Greek forces arrived in the following months, gradually extending their control deep into the west Anatolian countryside. Clashes with Turkish civilians dogged their movements and greatly increased nationalist sentiment. Meanwhile, the Italians landed troops in south-western Anatolia to reinforce their claim on that region. This also played into the hands of the Turkish nationalists and fueled their movement.
As Turkish attitudes began to rise toward nationalism, the interim Ottoman government came under increasing pressure from the Allies to suppress these nationalist groups. In the end, they were reluctantly forced to act, but this backfired. On April 23, 1920, the nationalists convened a Grand National Assembly in Ankara. They elected Mustafa Kemal as its first president, establishing what was essentially an alternative government. This triggered a civil war.
The British and French had demobilized so there was no military support available for the Ottoman government. This civil war ended only when the details of the Treaty of Sèvres were publicized in August 1920. The harshness of the terms in the Treaty of Sèvres destroyed all credibility of the Ottoman government and exposed what they had agreed to that ended the Ottoman Empire. Turks of all political persuasions began to unite at this point behind the new Grand National Assembly, which completely stood up and rejected the Treaty of Sèvres. A showdown with the Allies seemed at this point inevitable.
Only the Greeks could muster any troops, but they saw this only as an opportunity to gain more land in Anatolia. This set the stage for what the Turks call the Turkish War of Independence. The Greek Army made rapid progress and advanced from Smyrna in June 1920, capturing much of western Anatolia. The Greeks initially outnumbered the Turkish nationalists and were better equipped. Kemal agreed to help Bolshevik Russia destroy the newly independent Caucasus states in exchange for restoration of most of the territory they had lost in the 1877–78 Russo-Turkish War. This secured eastern Anatolia and extinguished any chance of independent Armenian or Kurdish states taking emerging there.
American President Woodrow Wilson supported the Armenian bid for independence in that area and condemned these actions. Kemal knew the USA would not intervene with Russia on their side. Kemal’s government also bought off the French by promising to support their rule over Syria in exchange for tacit recognition that all of Anatolia was Turkish territory. Kemal was smart and played one side against the other. Kemal then struck an agreement over the Dodecanese Islands with the Italians, who in turn withdrew their troops from Antalya in June 1921. It was through such diplomatic maneuvering that the Turks gained access to the international arms trade. Kemal effectively isolated the Greeks. British support for the Greeks was a personal passion of Prime Minister Lloyd George whose cabinet did not share. Kemal has isolated the Greeks by playing the Allies against each other.
Kemal’s strategy was to render Greeks their only military opposition. In March/April 1921, the new Turkish Army turned back the first major Greek offensive. The Greek Army in Anatolia was increased to 200,000 men. Kemal assumed direct command at the Sakarya River and ended a three-week battle resulting in Turkish victory. Finally, in August 1922, the Turks carried out a large, carefully prepared offensive that threw the Greeks into a headlong retreat to the coast. All Greek troops were evacuated from Anatolia by September 16, 1922. The war was over and Turkish Independence was won.
On October 13, 1922, Ankara officially became the capital of the new Turkish state. On October 29, a republic was proclaimed with Mustafa Kemal as its first president. Turkey’s Grand National Assembly abolished the Sultanate on November 1, 1922. Mehmed VI and his family sought refuge with the British military authorities in Istanbul. They were smuggled out of the city and eventually went into exile in San Remo, Italy, where the former monarch would later die in 1926.
1960 Turkish coup d’état
1971 Turkish military memorandum
1980 Turkish coup d’état
1993 alleged Turkish military coup
Interestingly, the relationship between military coups and civil wars are tightly linked. The first 51.6-year cycle from 1920 brings us to the 1971 coup. The 1960 coup d’état incident took place at a time when there was social, economic, and political turmoil. The United States’ aid from the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan was running out. Prime Minister Adnan Menderes was planning a visit to Moscow in hopes of establishing alternative lines of credit. The coup was staged by a group of 38 Turkish military officers acting outside the Staff Chiefs’ chain of command to prevent the political leadership from realigning with Russia simply to get aid. The incident took place on May 27, 1960. However, as the 1960s wore on, the economic conditions worsened and many Turks migrated to Germany at this time.
Turkey was engulfed in violence and economic instability. An economic recession as Bretton Woods was in trouble sparked a wave of social unrest marked by street demonstrations, labor strikes, and political assassinations. This is when left-wing workers’ and students’ movements rose up, which were countered on the right by Islamist and militant nationalist groups. The left carried out bombing attacks, robberies, and kidnappings that began in 1968 and intensified moving into the economic decline that bottomed in 1970. The left-wing violence was matched and surpassed only by far-right violence under the Grey Wolves. Then on the political front, Prime Minister Süleyman Demirel from the center-right Justice Party was re-elected in 1969. The party experienced internal disputes and split to form splinter groups of their own. This essentially reduced his parliamentary majority and brought any political processes to a halt.
Finally, by January 1971, the state of the political-economy in Turkey descended into a state of chaos. The students began to embrace Latin American style, urban-guerrilla warfare by robbing banks, kidnapping US servicemen, and attacking American targets as they became increasingly Marxist. Neo-fascist militants bombed the homes of university professors who were critical of the government and factories went on strike, bringing all services and production to a near standstill during the first quarter 1971.
The Islamist movement was rising inspired by the books of Sayyid Outb (1906-1966) who was executed in 1966 for plotting the assassination of the Egyptian President Nasser. The Islamists formed the National Order Party, which outright rejected Atatürk and Kemalism, putting them in conflict with the armed forces. The government appeared too weak with defections and squabbling. This resulted in the military coup to save the country. This event became known as the “coup by memorandum,” whereby the military delivered in lieu of sending out tanks. This was the major event on the 51.6-year cycle as the government and economy fell into chaos.
The September 12, 1980, Turkish coup d’état followed the continuing conflict between right-wing/left-wing armed conflicts, which reflected the proxy wars between the United States and the Soviet Union. It has been argued that the military allowed these conflicts to escalate to provide justification to seize control of the government outright, but this is always with hindsight. However, the violence did abruptly end afterwards the coup. For the subsequent three years, the Turkish Armed Forces ruled the country through the National Security Council before democracy was restored.
Nonetheless, our models have identified interesting correlations that suggest some government officials will often resort to “regime change” as a tactic to prevent civil war from occurring. A military coup can often provide a mechanism to avoid a dynamic escalation of conflict that would otherwise lead to civil war. Hence, sometimes the means to avert an outright civil war necessitates a coup.
The leading indicator is typically the fractionalization of political parties, which results in a breakup of political movements that then enter into conflict when the economy turns down. That economy remains the most powerful driver in the global model, and it is unquestionably the most powerful driver at predicting regime change at the polls as well as within the civil unrest cycle. For the former to evolve into the latter, we need the fractionalization of political parties. For example, we are seeing that with the hard-line Republicans refusing to support Trump. This is all part of the process of taking a step toward civil war and the break-up of countries.
Considering that the driving force to set the stage is always economic, the fiscal mismanagement of the political state is critical. We are witnessing the process in Europe as a whole. This “fractionalization” is creating heated, opposing groups at the very top of the political ladder that ultimately lead to autocratic regimes as political elites try to protect their power base. This increases the danger of political instability that leads to civil unrest and can brew into military coups or go all the way to revolution. Hence, during regime changes, whether at the hand of the people with a right to vote or by military coups, the actual revolution phase is a process that can be forecast within a global model.
In the case of Turkey, this particular failed coup was either orchestrated to fail as a means to solidify ultimate power or we are witnessing the coming clash between Islamic and freedom of region rule in Turkey. That ultimate confrontation is due in 2023 (two 51.6-year cycles from 1920).

Mesaje : 10767
Data de înscriere : 05/11/2012

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CARE - Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan Empty INSIDE A FAILED COUP AND TURKEY’S FRAGMENTED MILITARY

Mesaj Scris de Admin Mier Iul 20, 2016 2:46 am

The recent coup attempt in Turkey revealed profound political cleavages in the Turkish armed forces. The coup pitted a minority — but nevertheless significant — faction of the Turkish military against the majority of the country’s armed forces, which remained loyal to their commander in chief, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
The coup nearly succeeded in achieving what, in retrospect, appears to have been its primary objective: the killing or capture of Erdogan, Prime Minister Binali Yildirim, and Hakan Fidan, the chief of the country’s intelligence agency, MIT. The plotters, using a number of well-placed insiders, did manage to take the chief of the general staff, Hulusi Akar, hostage. The clashes resulted in 240 deaths. Turkish government officials allege that the plot was hatched by followers of Fetullah Gulen, a self-exiled Turkish cleric, currently living in Pennsylvania.
The following account remains incomplete and relies on a Whatsapp conversation between some of the coup plotters, open source data, compiled by blogs like The Aviationist, as well as discussions I have had with Turkey based journalists and colleagues, all whom prefer to remain anonymous. I relied on pro-government sources, including state-owned and government aligned media outlets, but sought to compensate for their biases in my analysis. The complete story has yet to be told and all of the details have yet to be released publicly.
The story of the coup suggests a relatively large plot that drew support from numerous parts of the Turkish Armed Forces, spanning various commands around Turkey. The number of senior officers involved, including the commander of Incirlik air force base where U.S. aircraft are now based for the fight against the Islamic State, suggest that the Turkish military is divided. The narrative following the coup is that this was a small, ill-conceived group of plotters who failed to overthrow the elected government, but this narrative is at odds with information coming out about the extent of the plot. This was a larger and far more credible attempt than has thus far been reported.
The fact that this was relatively well planned — if hastily implemented — coup attempt has several implications — namely that the Turkish military’s senior leadership is deeply factionalized, with one sizeable minority of officers willing to use force, even though their decision risked civil war. This suggests that Turkey is unstable and faces serious challenges in the near term in ways that will surely impact American and Western security interests in the Middle East and Europe.
The Coup: An Air Force Led Assault with a Limited Ground Component
The planning for the coup appears to have begun months ago, but was implemented hastily, after MIT learned of the plot at 4:00 PM on Friday. Despite this, the putschists were able to marshal air and armor units to carry out a near synchronized attack on pre-designated points in Istanbul, Ankara, and the Mediterranean resort of Marmaris, where Erdogan was on holiday. The leader, according to Sabah, was Muharrem Kose, a retired colonel.General Mehmet Disli, aretired two star general in the land forces and the brother of an AKP member of parliament, reportedly ordered the start of the military operation, setting in motion a complicated operation that involved air and ground units and a number of current and retired senior officers. To date, 103 admirals and generals have been arrested (out of a total of 358), which corresponds to 28 percent of the total in the Turkish Armed Forces.
The military aspect of the coup began around 10:00 PM, first with the closing of the two Istanbul bridges connecting the European continent with Asia. Simultaneously, up to six  F-16s from Akinci, an airbase some 12 miles north of Ankara, began a series of supersonic passes over Turkey’s capital city, refueling from four tankers flown from Incirlik Air Base, near the city of Adana. There are reports that F-16s from Diyarbakir air base also joined], perhaps providing two of the six F-16s. Incirlik has been a home to U.S. Air Force units since the 1950s. Lately, it has served as the hub for the U.S.-led air war against the ISIL. The base, since 1980, is under the command of a Turkish officer.
The F16s were soon joined by at least two Cobra attack helicopters and an additional Sikorsky SU-70 tasked — it appears — with strafing TURKSAT, Turkey’s main satellite television provider, as well as Golbasi, the headquarters for Turkey’s elite, special police forces. The putschists also sent eight cargo aircraft from Kayseri to Malatya airbase with weapons for the plotters, according to the military blog, The Aviationist — a detail since confirmed in  Murat Yetkin’s column in Hurriyet Daily News.
The F-16s also attacked the Turkish parliament and Erdogan’s palace while ground forces advanced on the prime minister’s residence. All three buildings sustained some damage, but the Parliament building was the most heavily damaged. Meanwhile, in Istanbul, land forces, most probably based somewhere nearby, did fire on protesters on one of the two bridges spanning the Bosphorus in the opening hours of the coup. Some of those who had come out to demonstrate against the unfolding operation were killed.
These events moved in parallel to three commando teams in three additional helicopters, based at Cigli air base near Izmir, flying to the hotel where Erdogan was presumed to be staying. The soldiers in one helicopter either fast ropedinto the building or landed nearby (depending on the source), but Erdogan’s security team had moved him to hotel nearby, missing the assault teams, according to Karim Shaheen, by some 25 minutes to an hour.
By this time, the Turkish military forces loyal to the government scrambled F-16s from Dalaman, Erzurum, Balikesir and, perhaps, Eskishehir to hunt for the putschist aircraft and, presumably, to escort Erdogan’s plane. According toReuters and The Guardian, at least two putschist aircraft harassed Erdogan’s private plane but ultimately chose not to fire. It is unclear why they chose not, but it appears as if the attackers could not discern whether or not Erdogan’s plane was a commercial or private jet.
With the benefit of hindsight, this decision is where the plan to decapitate the government began to break down. In Ankara, one of the loyalist F-16s downed a putschist SU-70 helicopter in Ankara. In a series of interviews broadcast on television using Apple’s Facetime, Erdogan managed to rally his supporters to take to the street to protest against the unfolding coup, before eventually landing at Ataturk airport. Turkey’s religious ministry, Diyanet, also began to recite sala, or religious chants, from mosques throughout Turkey in a form of protest against the unfolding events and later as a rallying message for those that took to the streets.
Faced with these protesters, the young conscripts that make up most of the Turkish Armed Forces largely chose not to fire (although the video linked to above does show that some did use force). The putschist Air Force units, in contrast, showed little restraint, which suggests that hardened supporters for the coup came from these units and therefore may have had more buy-in from elements within the Turkish Air Force.
The Implications: A Broken Force
Turkish media report that Turkish intelligence discovered elements of the plan at or around 4:00 PM on Friday. This prompted the plotters to execute before the plan had been finalized. Many of the details of the coup plan remain a mystery. However, after giving the order to start the operation, the putschists brought together air and grounds forces from a large number of bases throughout Turkey. In the days following the attempted coup, Turkish authorities have arrested hundreds of commissioned and non-commissioned officers, including the commander of the 2nd army, Adem Huduti, the command responsible for the border with Syria and Iraq.
In March 2016, Sabah, a staunchly pro-Erdogan newspaper, praised Huduti for his leadership of the current military action against the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). This now starkly at odds with the paper’s English language equivalent’s current portrayal of him as a Gulenist sympathizer. Huduti’s arrest appears to rule out any large scale intervention into Syria, owing to the fact that the army is now undergoing hasty and unplanned changes in leadership. Huduti’s arrest could also upset the current military operations against the PKK in the southeast, which was the country’s most pressing security concern before the coup.
According to Yetkin, Huduti was to send up to 5,000 troops from Sirnak to secure government buildings in Ankara.  Sirnak province has witnessed some of the most intense fighting with the PKK, with 493 Turkish security personnel (both military and police units) since last summer according to data collected by the International Group. Areas in the province remain under curfew, a fact that lends credence to the prevailing hypothesis in Turkey that the putschists acted before finalizing the attack plan.  The movement of this many troops would have taken pressure off the PKK, an outcome that the plotters would probably have liked to prevent.  Last Saturday, the day after the coup attempt, 309 military personnel were detained in Sirnak, lending credence to Yetkin’s reporting.
It is unclear if, or how, the putschists intended to govern Turkey. They may have simply deluded themselves into thinking that 50 percent of the country who votes for opposition parties would welcome them as liberators, while the 50 percent of AKP supporters would simply keep quiet and stayed home. Alternatively, the putschists may have planned for some resistance, but decided that they could be pacified quickly. The Aviationist report indicates that the eight cargo planes involved in the coup were transporting weapons, presumably to be used by the putschists in any potential clashes.
Few details are known at this time, but we now have access to leaked transcripts of the Whatasapp conversation group between the main plotters. The transcript does reveal a sense of urgency to arrest Umit Dundar, the commander of the 1st Army in Istanbul — who was appointed acting chief of the general staff while Akar was imprisoned — and to keep “Ankara” informed. The conversation also reveals snippets about post-conflict planning, including the need to provide food and provisions to troops stationed in Istanbul, with the take over of a Logistic Support Base (Lojistik Destek Ussu).
As more information comes out, it seems that the putschists came far closer to killing or capturing Erdogan and taking hostage the leaders of the armed forces, the intelligence agency, and the prime minister. If they had managed to “succeed,” however, Turkey would now likely be mired in some sort of civil war. For hours on Saturday morning, loyalist and putschist aircraft were operating in the same airspace, with the loyalists having received permission to fire on coup aircraft. The government has retaken control and has begun to carry out mass arrests of suspected sympathizers, across the bureaucracy.
For the Turkish military, the large numbers of its personnel detained since Saturday are certain to have a negative impact on day-to-day operations. The focus will be immediately on the numbers of high-ranking officers detained and how this could disrupt Turkish force readiness. More broadly, the wave of detentions further point to a stark divide between loyalists and putschists, assuming that grounds for the detentions and arrests of the officers allegedly involved in the plot are well-founded. For those not detained, they have profound incentives to be very cautious lest they draw the attention of those looking to “root out suspected sympathizers” in the coming months. This understandable reaction could lead to officers being overly careful, choosing to clear everything through their superior officers. This could slow down decision-making, or result in a culture where policy and talking points are dictated from a central authority — in this case, Erdogan.
Turkey and its Allies
The participation of units at Incirlik Air Base, the hub for U.S. strikes against the Islamic State, could prompt allies to re-evaluate assumptions about Turkey’s future participation in coalition operations. During the uprising, at least four tankers participated, all flying from Incirlik, prompting the arrest of the base commander, Bekir Ercan. This is an embarrassment for the United States and feeds conspiracy theories alleging American involvement and planning of the coup. It also raises questions about the security of forward deployed American nuclear weapons in Europe, of which an estimated 60 are stored in underground bunkers in hardened aircraft shelters at the base.
The bombs were never in any real danger of being stolen during the coup. However, officers responsible for nuclear weapons, even tangentially, should be of the highest caliber. The United States is responsible for these weapons and has the means to provide security, but is ultimately reliant on the Turkish government for security of the base. The incident will, in all likelihood, prompt a reassessment of U.S. operations from Incirlik and the identification of alternative bases to launch strikes against ISIL. It will also re-ignite the debate about forward deployed tactical nuclear weapons and their relevance for the defense of Europe in the post-Cold War world.
The Future
The Turkish government is now firmly back in control, but the leadership continues to call on its supporters to remain in the streets to protest the coup — and, allegedly, to prevent a return to violence by plotters still at large. The presence of large numbers of people on the streets has sparked fears of attacks on minority groups, particularly the Alevis who have been targeted in the past by the far right and religious Turkish nationalists. There have been sporadic incidents of vandalism against the majority Kurdish political party’s (HDP) offices in Malatya, Osmaniye, and Iskenderun. To date, the incidents have been sporadic and police have been making efforts to prevent violence, particularly in Hatay. However, the longer this continues, the more likely it is we will see Turkey’s terrorism problem worsen.
The other concern is that the Turkish government will take steps to further centralize power, pushing for hastily drafted reforms to “coup proof” the bureaucracy (which many Western observers thought he had already done). This could further damage Turkish institutions at a time when 30,000 people across the Turkish bureaucracy have been suspended and an additional 9,000 detained.
The damage from this failed coup will continue to put pressure on Turkish institutions, including the military. The recent events suggest that the Turkish armed forces are deeply divided, and these divisions will hamper readiness, morale, and effectiveness moving forward.  Already, there appear to be staffing concerns following the arrests, prompting the military to recall at least a handful of officers, previously accused of plotting a coup against the AKP in the widely discredited Ergenekon trial. The military will be asked to continue its operations in the southeast, despite the arrest of the commander previously in charge. The turmoil with the 2nd Army, combined with the officer arrests more broadly, could prompt the government to rely more heavily on special police units or special operations force. However, the latter also appear to have implicated in the coup, with a special forces teams reportedly having raided the hotel Erdogan was staying at near Maramris. This raises more questions about future force readiness in a conflict that has taken the lives of hundreds of security force members since July 2015.
The plotters relied on a number of different air and land force bases to carry out their attacks, and the network of leaders appears to go beyond one group, the Gulenists, for example. The Turkish government has responded quickly and harshly, with mass arrests and forced suspensions. The numbers suggest that a broad effort is underway to force people from the bureaucracy. This, too, will damage the effectiveness of the bureaucracy. Together, the recent events indicate that key Turkish institution are broken and divided — a status quo that is unlikely to change in the near-to-medium term.

Mesaje : 10767
Data de înscriere : 05/11/2012

Sus In jos

CARE - Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan Empty Noaptea cuțitelor lungi (versiunea Erdogan)

Mesaj Scris de Admin Mier Iul 20, 2016 3:08 am

Iată ce a făcut Erdogan în Turcia după tentativa de lovitură de stat:CARE - Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan Erdogan-300x167

  • după doar 48 de ore erau arestați 7.543 de suspecţi, dintre care 6.038 de militari, 755 de magistraţi şi 100 de poliţişti; (sursa: premierului Binali Yildirim)

  • au fost demiși 9.000 de poliţişti, jandarmi şi funcţionari au fost demişi, inclusiv guvernatori de provincii;

  • 257 dintre cei aproximativ 2.600 de angajaţi ai Cabinetului premierului Turciei au fost demişi;

  •  492 de membri ai celei mai înalte autorități islamice au fost dați afară;

  •  Ministerul Educaţiei a suspendat şi deschis anchete împotriva a 15.200 de profesori;

  •  în jur de 100 de angajati ai serviciilor secrete au fost suspendati;

  • 7850 de polițiști au fost demiși;

  • 2745 de judecători au fost dați afară;

  • 1500 de angajați ai Ministerului de finanțe au fost demiși;

  • 614 jandarmi au fost dați afară;

  • 370 de angajați ai TRT ( Televiziunea publică) sunt anchetați;

  • 1577 de decani ai unor facultăți au demisionat;

  •  CNA-ul turcesc a retras licentele posturilor de radio si televiziune considerate apropiate de Fethullah Gulen, omul acuzat de regimul Erdogan că ar fi în spatele loviturii de stat eșuate. Lucrurile arată rău. Este clar că Erdogan avea de multă vreme liste cu cei pe care trebuia să-i elimine din viața publică. Ceea ce se întâmplă acum în Turcia seamănă cu “Noaptea cuțitelor lungi”. Pentru cei care au uitat:  în 30 iunie 1934, Hitler a început să-și omoare rivalii. În urma “Operaţiunii Colibri” cel puţin 85 de oameni au murit și peste 1000 de presupuşi adversari au fost arestaţi. Sultanul Erdogan începe să semene din ce în ce mai mult cu Hitler…

P.S. Cu siguranță cifrele vor crește în zilele următoare…

Mesaje : 10767
Data de înscriere : 05/11/2012

Sus In jos

CARE - Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan Empty ll the details about the air ops and aerial battle over Turkey during the military coup to depose Erdogan

Mesaj Scris de Admin Mier Iul 20, 2016 3:11 am

F-16s, KC-135Rs, A400Ms: known and unknown details about the night of the Turkey military coup.
Here below is the account of what happened on Jul. 15, when a military takeover was attempted in Turkey. It is based on the information gathered by Turkish defense journalist Arda Mevlutoglu, by analysis of the Mode-S logs and reports that have been published by several media outlets in the aftermath of the coup.
Shortly after 22.00 local time on July 15th, air traffic control (ATC) operator in Akinci 4th Main Jet Base (MJB), an airbase located to the northwest of Ankara, contacted his counterpart at Esenboga Airport ATC. Akinci airbase is the homebase of 141, 142 and 143 Filo (Squadrons) of the Turkish Air Force (TuAF) equipped with F-16Cs.
4MJB operator informed that two local-based F-16s were going to take off, fly at 21-22,000 feet and coordination with Esenboga ATC could not be possible.
Shortly after, two F-16s calsign “Aslan 1” (“Lion 1”) and “Aslan 2” (“Lion 2”) from 141 Squadron took off from 4MJB.
After take off, Aslan 1 contacted Esenboga and requested permission to climb to the designated altitude, which was granted. When asked about the intention, the pilot replied “special mission, going to fly over Ankara city.”
Shortly after this communication, telephone calls from the city began reaching Esenboga, telling jets flying at very high-speed at low altitude. The time is around 22.20 – 22.25, as videos of F-16s flying over Ankara at rooftop level were filmed.
Puzzled by the reports, Esenboga ATC called 4MJB ATC for an explanation. The reply was: “They took off with IFF transponders switched off.” 4MJB also informed Esenboga that a new pair of F-16s with callsign “Sahin” (“Hawk”) also took off at very low altitude.
The Sahin pair threatened civilian air traffic, which was diverted through alternative approach routes.
Shortly after that, Esenboga ATC detected a KC-135R callsign “Asena 02” from Incirlik 10th Main Tanker Base (MTB). The presence of this KC-135R, from 101 Filo (whose radio callsign is “Asena”), is confirmed by Mode-S logs collected by a feeder in Ankara.
At this point Esenboga ATC had no contact with the mentioned F-16s and KC-135R. The Turkish Vipers began air-to-air refuelling from “Asena 02” periodically. Noteworthy, as many as 4 KC-135R reportedly flew from Incirlik (Asena 01 to 04 – the first appearing on the Mode-S logs).
It was reported that coup supporting aircraft and helicopters opened fire at:

  • Police Special Operations Forces headquarters at Golbasi (bombed by F-16. 47 policemen killed)
  • Police Aviation Division headquarters at Golbasi
  • Turkish Grand National Assembly building (TBMM)
  • Turkish Police general headquarters
  • MIT (national intelligence organization) headquarters at Yenimahalle
  • TurkSAT (state satellite operator) headquarters at Golbasi
  • Presidental Palace at Bestepe

For a few hours, coup F-16s flew over Ankara at very high speeds, often breaking the sound barrier at very low altitudes, releasing flares.
It was reported also that F-16s from both sides entered dogfight over Ankara and Istanbul, however no aircraft has been shot down according to the reports obtained thus far. Interestingly, one of the coup plotters aboard a “rebel” F-16 was the pilot who shot down the Russian Su-24 Fencer that had violated the Turkish airspace back in November 2015.
F-16s from Dalaman, Erzurum and Balikesir took off to intercept coup F-16s that according to the reports were as many as 6.
CARE - Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan F-16-coup-706x441
Merzifon 5MJB, which is one of the closest MJB’s to Ankara was at renovation and closed. All its fighters were temporarily based in Erzurum.
Meanwhile, “Asena 02” left Ankara and climbed to max operational altitude, circling over Kastamonu. Asena 03 took over its role of supporting coup F-16s. A couple of arriving F-16s were directed to Asena 02 to shoot it down, but did not do so probably due to the fact that it was flying over residential areas.
At least one AH-1 Cobra, probably an AH-1W type opened fire with its 20mm gun to protesting crowd and TBMM. This helicopter or another one repotedly opened fire at TurkSAT (State satellite operator) headquarters at Golbasi. This helicopter was reportedly shot down by a loyalist F-16.
A S-70A opened fire at the front gates of MIT campus. Reportedly tried to insert commandos to take over the facility and kidnap Hakan Fidan, head of the service. This helicopter is reportedly shot down (not confirmed).
One or two Air Force AS532 CSAR helicopters raided a wedding ceremony of a high rank general in Istanbul which was attended by many generals. CSAR commandos kidnapped them.
8 cargo aircraft (C-160 and A400M included – one using callsign “Esem 26” was in the air when the takeover unfolded) took off from Kayseri and landed at Malatya 7MJB. They were full of weapons to be used by coup.
Coup F-16s searched for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s plane, TC-ATA around Istanbul to shoot it down. According to some media reports rebel TuAF F-16s had the plane in their sights: it’s unclear whether they had a real lock-on, rather that they probably were searching the sky for the Gulfstream IV.
Furthermore, TC-ATA used a callsign THY 8456 to disguise as a Turkish Airlines airplane (Turkish’s callsign is THY) and the risk of shooting down another plane, and losing credibility too, could be a factor affecting the coup’s F-16s to shot down his plane and kill Erdogan.
TC-ATA was flying from Dalaman to Istanbul Ataturk, which was raided by coup supporters. ATC was taken over, all lights off. Shortly before TC-ATA’s landing, it was taken from rebels.
Details of Erdogan’s flight can be found here.
Early morning of 16 July, fighters (probably F-4E 2020) from Eskisehir 2MJB bombed the main runway of 4MJB whilst at least one Turkish Air Force F-16C Block 50 was circling to the west of Ankara most probably in Combat Air Patrol. In the afternoon on the same day an E-7 AEW of 131 Filo and an F-16 of 142 Filo were flying in Ankara area, likely ready to intercept any helicopter or small plane trying to flee towards Greece.
Update: please note that unlike what has been mistakenly reported by some media outlets, no U.S. KC-135 took part in the operation according to the information we have collected. All the tankers whose presence has been confirmed are Turkish Air Force tankers from 101 Filo, as explained in the article.
H/T to Arda Mevlutoglu for widely contributing to this post. Additional info from @CivMilAir and @Avischarf
CARE - Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan TuAF-F-16-take-off-706x471

Mesaje : 10767
Data de înscriere : 05/11/2012

Sus In jos


Mesaj Scris de Admin Mier Iul 20, 2016 6:50 am

Mustafa Kemal le-a spus turcilor: “Să aruncăm fesul, care stă pe capetele noastre ca un simbol al ignoranței și fanatismului și să purtăm pe cap pălăria, simbolul lumii civilizate. Să arătăm că nu există nicio diferență între mentalitatea noastră si cea a popoarelor moderne.” Și ca să arate că nu se limitează doar la exerciții retorice, menite să-i atragă admirația lumii civilizate, a abolit Sultanatul în 1922, a proclamat Republica în 1923 și a abolit Califatul în 1924. Tot el a desființat școlile religioase și a interzis medievalul cod de legi Sharia, înlocuindu-l cu codul civil elvețian, codul penal italian și codul comercial german. Întorcea astfel spatele celor șase secole de istorie otomană dominate de islam, distrugând, credea el atunci, fundamentul religios pe care se ridicase, totuși, cel mai puternic stat musulman cunoscut până atunci de istorie.
Datorită reformelor kemaliste, Turcia a devenit conform Constituției din 1924 un stat în care religia era total separată de exercițiul guvernării, principiul “laicității” fiind înscris, în 1937, în Constituție. A fost încurajată egalitatea femeilor cu bărbații, Mustafa Kemal acordându-le femeilor în 1934 dreptul de vot și dreptul de a fi alese în parlamentul turc. De remarcat că acest lucru s-a întâmplat cu 10 ani înainte ca generalul De Gaulle să recunoască acest drept femeilor din Franța.
Pe 31 ianuarie 1997, Bekir Yldiz – primar al orașului Sincan și membru marcant al partidului islamist Refah – a organizat la Ankara o conferință intitulată “Seară pentru Ierusalim”. Dorea astfel să se facă remarcat de Necmettin Erbakan, șeful Refah și al guvernului. Tribuna sălii de conferințe era acoperită de un drapel verde pe care era scris în arabă numele lui Allah, în timp ce peretele din spate era acoperit de o uriașă fotografie a moscheii Al-Aqsa, încadrată de portretele șefilor Hezbollah și Hamas. În sală, femeile stăteau separate de bărbați. În fața numerosului auditoriu și în prezența invitatului de onoare, ambasadorul Iranului în Turcia, Bekir Yldiz a ținut un fulminant discurs, pronunțându-se în favoarea instaurării în țară a legii Sharia.
Intervenția armatei turce, garanta Constituției și a laicității statului, nu s-a lăsat așteptată. Pe 4 februarie, în timp ce o coloană de tancuri traversa demonstrativ orașul, Bekir Yldiz era inculpat pentru “provocare la ură” și “apologia unei organizații teroriste”, dar și pentru încălcarea articolului 312 din Codul Penal, fiind acuzat de “încercare de subminare a republicii laice”. Devenea astfel pasibil de o pedeapsă privativă de libertate până la 5 ani. Ambasadorul Iranului a fost declarat persona non-grata și expulzat. Sute de școli coranice private au fost închise, iar mii de studente, ce veneau la cursuri acoperite de văl, au fost trimise acasă. Pe 28 februarie 1997, Consiliul Național de Securitate, controlat de către militari, i-a prezentat lui Necmettin Erbakan o listă cu 18 măsuri anti-islamice, ce trebuiau implementate urgent. Generalii turci au făcut presiuni asupra liderilor partidului Căii Drepte – partener de coaliție cu Refah -, îndemnându-i să părăsească coaliția guvernamentală. Islamistul Necmettin Erbakan a fost nevoit să-și prezinte demisia. Pe 16 ianuarie 1998, Curtea Constituțională interzicea partidul Refah, acuzându-l că ar fi “un centru de activități contrare principiilor laicității”. Lui Necmettin Erbakan, lui Bekir Yldiz și unor deputați Refah li s-a interzis orice activitate politică pe timp de cinci ani.
Cum s-a ajuns aici? Cum a fost posibil ca în piața centrală a Sincan-ului, în fața statuii lui Mustafa Kermal, să fie așezată, provocator, macheta moscheii Al-Aqsa? Totul a pornit de la Necmettin Erbakan și Confreria Milli Görüș.
Dacă Turcia nu a putut să-l aibă pe Hassan Al-Banna și a sa Frăție Musulmană, ca Egiptul, l-a avut în schimb pe Necmettin Erbakan și creația sa, Milli Görüș. Erbakan a înființat Milli Görüș (Calea Națională Religioasă) în 1969, apariția Confreriei reprezentând și nașterea islamului politic pe scena politicii turcești moderne. Programul “Căii Naționale” glăsuia: “Fiecare membru al Căii Naționale trebuie să se angajeze în jihad, pe drumul trasat de Allah. Pentru că jihadul se realizează cu bunurile și viața, fiecare membru trebuie mai întâi să-și îndrepte toată atenția către Allah și să fie gata în fiecare moment pentru jihad.”
Drapelul mișcării era și el foarte explicit: Europa colorată în verde, culoarea islamului cuceritor, înghițită de o semilună uriașă. Voința de islamizare a Europei afișată de Milli Görüș arăta clar că membri ei sunt hotărâți să-și ia o revanșă istorică. Și această revanșă, credea Erbakan și cred urmașii săi de azi, nu putea fi transpusă în realitate decât prin întoarcerea la rădăcinile islamului autentic, a valorilor și tradițiilor sale. Virusul Occidentului trebuia eliminat din organismul societății turcești. Pentru că, spunea atunci nostalgicul Califatului turc: “Europenii sunt bolnavi. Noi le vom da “medicamentele” necesare. Europa întreagă va deveni islamică. Vom cuceri Roma.”
În 1970, Erbakan a înființat partidul Ordinului Național – care era considerat aripa politică a confreriei islamice – al cărui program politic era clar anti-occidental și anti-laic. Atât Milli Görüș cât și Ordinul Național militau deschis pentru introducerea studierii în școli a gânditorilor islamici Al-Ghazali (1058 -1111) și Ahmed Shirindi (1564-1624) – cunoscuți pentru hotărârea fanatică cu care s-au împotrivit, fiecare în vremea lui, “noutăților condamnabile”. Într-un singur an, Milli Görüș a reușit să-și formeze în teritoriu structurile necesare, permițându-i astfel lui Necmettin Erbakan, care a candidat ca independent, să câștige în 1970 un loc în parlamentul Turciei.
Lovitura de stat din 1971, efectuată de armată – gardian al laicității și depozitară a moștenirii lui Mustafa Kemal –, a tăiat temporar aripile confreriei islamiste și a reprezentat pentru Erbakan și unii dintre colaboratorii săi începutul exilului în Elveția și Germania. Occidentul nu se putea dezice, așa că a acordat, iar, mânat de patologica sa toleranță, ospitalitate dușmanilor care îi doreau sfârșitul. Franța îl găzduia în acea perioadă pe ayatollahul Khomeini, cel care susținea că Islamul nu poate fi autentic decât dacă este și politic. El a dovedit că acest lucru este posibil, instaurând în Iran teocrația și domnia legii lui Allah – Sharia. “Sejurul” european îi va permite lui Erbakan să înfiltreze Milli Görüș și în Germania. Dupa 30 de ani, la sfârșitul anilor ’90, tentaculele Confreriei cuprinseseră și alte țări din Europa occidentală.
În 1999, Milli Görüș dispunea în Germania de o rețea formată din peste 500 de moschei, având peste 26000 de membri și sute de mii de simpatizanți. În 2001, guvernul german a dat islamului aceleași drepturi pe care le aveau Bisericile creștine, permițând islamiștilor din Milli Görüș să țină cursuri de religie în școli și sa aibă acces la fonduri guvernamentale consistente. Acești bani vor permite Confreriei să-și întărească puterea și influența, adăugând la rețeaua de moschei și o rețea media compusă din publicații religioase și posturi de radio. În tot acest timp, germanii au continuat să combată, cu vigilență și hotărâre veșnic treze, pericolul mereu actual al nazismului.
Reîntors în Turcia, Necmettin Erbakan a înființat Partidul Salvării Naționale, care punea islamul în centrul programului, al strategiei și al acțiunilor sale. N-a așteptat mult și votul turcilor dornici să retrăiască gloria zilelor de altădată l-a propulsat, în 1974, în coaliția guvernamentală. Partidul Salvării Naționale obținuse în alegeri un semnificativ procent de 12%, preluând în noul guvern conducerea a patru ministere importante. Imediat, Erbakan și-a folosit influența pentru a introduce în direcția Afacerilor Religioase, 5000 de imami și muezini membri ai Milli Görüș. După lovitura de stat din anul 1980, armata îi interzice lui Erbakan și partidului său să mai participe la viața politică, dar în urma referendumului din 1987 i se ridică interdicția și revine în fruntea unui nou partid – Refah (Partidul Prosperității).
Convingerile lui Necmettin Erbakan nu fuseseră afectate de exil, de repetatele eliminări de pe scena politică și nici de trecerea anilor.  La 13 mai 1991, sublinia într-un discurs ținut în orașul Sivas că jihadul este pilonul de bază al Refah și Milli Görüș. El spunea în uralele numeroșilor susținători:“Partidul Refah este o armată. Trebuie ca fiecare să muncească din toate puterile pentru ca această armată sa crească. Refah este armata războiului islamic. Nu poți să acționezi individual spunându-ți că îți duci astfel propriul tău jihad. Acțiunile purtate fără acordul cartierului general înseamnă dezbinare. Dacă lupți, lupți aici! Ești musulman? Atunci ești obligat să fii un soldat al acestei armate. Și nu poți fii musulman fără să dai bani pentru Jihad. Noi suntem cu toții musulmani. Trebuie să susținem Refah pentru că ne dorim jihadul. Pentru ce toți cei care luptă pentru Refah vor merge în Paradis? Pentru că Prosperitate înseamnă să lupți pentru a face să domnească ordinea coranică.”
Cuvinte simple, mobilizatoare, pe înțelesul milioanelor de turci trăitori pe întinderile podișului anatolian. Chemarea la jihad pentru prosperitate și ordine coranică i-a adus lui Erbakan un succes surprinzător la alegerile din 1995, Refah obținând 21% din voturi și devenind astfel primul partid al țării. Ajuns prim ministru în 1996, Erbakan a început imediat să strângă legăturile cu țările arabe. A urmat “episodul Sincan” și o nouă eliminare de pe teren. Erbakan primește o condamnare la închisoare de doi ani și patru luni. Se părea că ascensiunea islamismului turc a fost oprită definitiv. Dar Erbakan își crescuse cu grijă urmașii, iar Milli Görüș era omniprezentă.
Pe firmament a apărut strălucind steaua unuia dintre discipolii săi – Recep Tayyp Erdogan. Provenit din mijlocul poporului, musulman pios, șeful organizației de tineret a Milli Görüș în Istanbul și liderul filialei Refah din marele oraș de pe malurile Bosforului, Erdogan a devenit repede purtătorul de cuvânt al celor “fără voce”, a maselor de musulmani pioși din Anatolia, atât de disprețuiți de elitele kemaliste. A ajuns în 1994 primul primar islamist al Istanbulului, promițând printre alte construcția de minarete în întreg orașul. În 1998 a fost condamnat la patru luni de închisoare pentru că a recitat la un miting din versurile, considerate subversive, gânditorului naționalist-islamist turc Zia Gokalp:“Moscheile sunt cazărmile noastre, minaretele lor sunt baionetele noastre, cupolele sunt căștile noastre, iar credincioșii sunt soldații noștri.”
Alături de Abdullah Gül, altă stea a Refah și Milli Görüș, Erdogan a înființat în 2001 Partidul Dreptătii și Dezvoltării (AKP). Peste un an, noul partid islamist a fost marele câștigător al alegerilor, cu 34,22% din voturi! Generalii turci trăiau în plin coșmar: un partid islamist câștiga din nou alegerile, iar liderii lui se afișau peste tot, pentru prima oară în era Turciei republicane, împreună cu consoartele lor acoperite de hijab! Abdullah Gül a ocupat în 2002 funcția pe prim ministru, în timp ce Taypp Erdogan își termina sentința de suspendare din viața politică, primită pentru declamarea poemului cu mesaj islamist.
A urmat un nou triumf electoral al AKP în 2007 și, spre disperarea taberei laice, președinte al Turciei a fost ales de către parlament după trei tururi de scrutin, cu toată împotrivirea armatei, islamistul Abdullah Gül. Acesta s-a instalat la palatul Cankaya împreună cu soția ce umbla în permanență acoperită de văl. Se căsătorise cu ea când aceasta avea doar 14 ani! Așadar, prim ministru era islamistul Tayyp Erdogan, iar islamistul Abdullah Gül, partenerul său, ajunsese președintele republicii! Coșmarul era în plină desfășurare. Islamiștii monopolizau conducerea statului turc. Sute de înalți ofițeri au fost trecuți în rezervă, sau arestați, judecați și condamnați pentru “complot împotriva Statului”. Armata turcă și-a pierdut astfel prerogativele politice, ajungând în slujba “puterii civile”, rămânându-i doar sarcina de a combate terorismul și de a apăra frontierele. Singura forță garantă a laicității era astfel înfrantă.
Pe 19 decembrie 2012, organizația “Reporters sans frontiers” raporta că Turcia devenise cea mai mare închisoare pentru ziaristi, din întreaga lume: 72 de profesioniști mass-media erau déjà închiși! Ceilalți “funcționau” supunându-se autocenzurii. Portul vălului islamic a fost autorizat în universități, iar cel al hijabului în liceele religioase. În 2013, Sadik Yakut, vicepreședintele parlamentului turc, declara:“Turcia a făcut o eroare istorică permițând înființarea școlilor mixte (băieți și fete) după modelul occidental”, iar Erdogan se pronunța contra căminelor studențesti mixte. Tot el aprecia egalitatea între femei și bărbați “contra naturii”, susținând că Islamul a arătat clar care este locul femei în societate: “maternitatea”. În prezența uneia dintre fiicele sale, aflat la o întrunire având ca temă emanciparea femei, Erdogan a spus: “Nu putem pune femeile și bărbații pe picior de egalitate, este contra naturii.”!  Mustafa Kemal era dat jos de pe soclul său!
În ultimele 5 zile, după ce încercarea de lovitură de stat pusă la cale de o parte a armatei a eșuat, în Turcia au avut loc evenimente care au provocat consternarea cancelariilor occidentale. Reacția lui Recep Erdogan a depăsit și cele mai negre previziuni. Pentru că, Erdogan, AKP și Milli Görüș așteptau prilejul ăsta demult și erau pregătiți.
15200 de persoane din Ministerul Educatiei au fost date afară!
8777 de funcționari din Ministerul de Interne au fost dați afară.
7850 de ofițeri de poliție au fost dați afară.
6000 de soldați au fost arestați.
2745 de judecători au fost concediați sau arestați!
1577 de cadre universitare au fost obligate să-și dea demisia!
1500 de funcționari din Ministerul de finanțe au fost demiși!
614 jandarmi au fost dați afară.
492 de funcționari din Min. Afacerilor Religioase au fost concediați!
370 de ziariști sunt anchetați!
103 generali și amirali au fost arestați.
47 de guvernatori de districte au fost demiși!
30 de guvernatori de provincii au fost demiși!
Le-a fost retrasă licența de emisie tuturor posturilor de televiziune și radio „banuite” a avea legături cu liderul religios, opozant, Fethullah Gulen!
În aceste momente, când puțini o realizează și au curajul să o spună, in Turcia are loc o Revoluție islamică – ca în Iran în urmă cu 40 de ani. Scopul ei: să dea lovitura finală statului laic fondat de Mustafa Kemal si să proclame Turcia, Stat islamic. Liderul ei este Recep Erdogan, susținut în teritoriu de uriașa retea a organizației Milli Görüș – care și-a trimis încă din primele ore ale loviturii de stat adepții în stradă.
Care a fost în aceste condiții prima reacție a Uniunii Europene? Uniunea Europeană i-a cerut lui Erdogan să nu legalizeze pedeapsa cu moartea! Prea târziu, Turcia modernă a fost executată!


În "Fără categorie"
În "Fără categorie"
În "Fără categorie"

Mesaje : 10767
Data de înscriere : 05/11/2012

Sus In jos

CARE - Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan Empty Turkey Distances Itself From the U.S. and NATO But to what extent?

Mesaj Scris de Admin Mier Iul 20, 2016 6:58 am

Cross-posted from View from the Left Bank.
Some Background
The aftershocks of the failed military coup in Turkey are resonating. Nearly 2,500 upper level military personnel, including more than 100 generals sacked and many arrested. 6,000 members of the judiciary, who sometimes challenged Tayyip Erdogan’s policies, fired along with 8,000 Turkish policemen. Several hundred people were killed, thousands wounded.
While considerable confusion remains concerning the origins of the recent Turkish coup attempt, the geopolitical outlines of where “post-coup” Turkey is headed are coming into focus. A little background on the flurry of Turkey’s diplomatic initiatives that preceded the recent “coup attempt” are in order. As they were intense suggesting that a shift in Turkey’s political posture was in order. Besides initiating an extensive purge of the Turkish military and judiciary, Turkish President Erdogan appears to be setting Turkish regional political posture on a new direction.
Erdogan is pursuing an ethnically narrow, Turkish chauvinist domestic and foreign policy. The repression at home is closely connected to his regional foreign policy initiatives that are taking shape. His domestic moves come in the aftermath of the crackdown of some regional allies, the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and the Ennahda party of Tunisia. In the face of growing opposition because of chronic mismanagement, Ennahda, essentially the Tunisian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, was forced to retrench and cede some of its power. In part, Erdogan’s current violent crackdown on dissent can be seen as a kind of pre-emptive move, an effort to deny the military an opportunity at some later date to seize power a la Egypt. At first glance it appears that the repression has succeeded, at least in the short run.
From all appearances, domestically Turkey under Erdogan, never that openly democratic a place, has become that much more authoritarian over the past two years. Freedom of press has been severely repressed with journalists arrested. After what looked like a political settlement with the country’s Kurds was in the making, Erdogan backed away and has treated the country’s largest minority with increasing repression that has included several massacres of Kurdish villages in the southeast.
More recently Erdogan pushed through legislation in the Turkish parliament that eliminates immunity for parliament members from persecution, opening the door to crack down on the country’s main opposition party, the Republican People’s Party, which brings together different strands of Turkey’s democratic movement. It is as if Erdogan was preparing for something even bigger, a “something” that became more obvious in the aftermath of the attempted coup when a wholesale wave of repression (see below) was unleashed.
Erdogan has pursued a domestic heavy hand in order to eliminate opposition to his regional policy whose outlines include denying the Kurds of Syria any opportunity to become an independent state, refocusing Turkey’s regional policy somewhat away from Europe and NATO. The shift entails making overtures, strengthening relations with a number of regional powers, especially Iran, Russia and Israel.
By all appearances, Turkey is starting to distance itself from Washington and NATO — the question is to what extent. To what degree will this affect the presence of one of Washington’s main military bases, Incirlik, in the southeastern corner of Turkey? It is easy for too many to forget that the United States has hydrogen and atomic bombs at Incirlik and that when there is turmoil the shadow of nuclear war is not far away. It is estimated that as many as 80 nuclear weapons, both hydrogen and atomic bombs are housed there in striking distance of most of the Middle East and southern Russia.
Keep in mind that in the recent decade the United States has had a difficult time “reigning in” its regional allies. Supposed allies in the war in Afghanistan, Pakistan and the United States were behind the scenes at each other’s throats as the Pakistani intelligence agency gave support to the Taliban (and still does) that U.S.-led armies were trying to defeat.
The Obama Administration’s relations with two other strategic allies, Israel and Saudi Arabia, are extremely strained, most recently over the Obama Administration’s support for the Iran nuclear deal which basically short-circuited any pipedreams that Washington was preparing military intervention against Teheran which both the Saudis and Israelis supported. The personal relations between Obama and Netanyahu, and Obama and the royal family have never been worse. Perhaps that means less than meets the eye with the US Congress voting record-breaking military aid to Israel and the administration selling enormous amounts of arms to the Saudis.
The strategic alliances remain in place, but not without historically unprecedented strains as Israel, Saudi Arabia and now Turkey embrace, each in their own manner, their own narrow, jingoistic regional nationalist goals which bode ill for the people of Yemen, the Palestinians in the Occupied Territories, and more generally, regional peace. These are three countries with strong militaries; all have expansionist regional goals that sooner or later are bound to collide against one another.
They all understand that today, the United States – despite its military might – is politically weaker and cannot dictate policy as it did in the past. These same countries also understand that U.S. Syria policy is in shambles and it is about to backfire on their national territories, either in terms of increased terrorist activities, unmanageable refugee problems or some combination thereof.
Turkey and Syria
As one columnist aptly put it “Post-Coup Turkey will be distinctly Eurasian.” Having been repeatedly rebuffed in its efforts to join the European Community – which in the end is the result of little more than European racism against a Muslim country – Turkey is “turning east.” At the same time tensions between Ankara and Washington over Syrian policy have essentially boiled over, over the Kurdish question.
All this is playing out in both Syria and Iraq at the present moment where the alliance of forces involved is shifting, if not coming apart. Turkey has been a key link in the Syrian crisis, providing an open gateway to Syrian Islamic rebels entering Syria from the north, that included military, political support. Turkey fears the consequences of an independent Kurdish state on its southern border that Washington is trying to put together.
Whatever is happening domestically within Turkey, regionally, Turkey is cooling to its role of being one of Washington’s main, if not the main, whipping boys in Syria. The Turks are coming to the understanding, as did the Russians and Iranians – and perhaps even the Israelis – that the dismemberment of Syria will destabilize the entire region that much more and affect their national security. Of course the Turks have come to this realization late in the game, only after it became more evident that Assad would not fall the way that Khadaffi and Saddam Hussein did.
Turkey “Makes Nice” with Russia, Israel and Iran
There are unquestionable signs of the Turkish shift. The shifts suggest a fluid system of regional alliances and adversaries, made complex by the presence of both regional and global players. These shifts are admittedly difficult – but not impossible to follow. Sooner or later, in this case the Turkish coup crisis, the main themes previously refined behind closed doors have burst forth in the open.
As relations with Washington and NATO become more strained, those with regional powers, Russia, Israel (yes, Israel) and Iran are warming as Ankara has been on a “let’s make nice” campaign with all three – suggesting that when the political will is there, countries that appear at odds with one another can find common ground and do so rather quickly. The United States is annoyed and embarrassed that the Erdogan government has alleged “an American hand” in the present coup attempt (as if Washington never engaged in such!). What is more, as an Indian commentator has pointed out, “The Turkish allegation has no precedent in NATO’s 67-year old history – of one member plotting regime change in another member’s country through violent means.”
Can it be a mere seven months ago that Turkey shot down a Russian jet fighter that had wandered somewhere near the Turkish-Syrian border? At the time, edged on by NATO, it looked as if relations between Ankara and Moscow, neighbors with a long history and important trading partners, were headed for the dumpster. Angry words were exchanged, Russia cut off trade relations and tourism. But lately, a few weeks prior to the attempted coup – or whatever it was – the two “made nice” to one another. As MK Badrakumar points out,
Russian President Vladimir Putin did on Sunday what no major western leader from the NATO member countries cared to do when he telephoned his Turkish counterpart Recep Erdogan to convey his sympathy, goodwill and best wishes for the latter’s success in restoring constitutional order and stability as soon as possible after the attempted coup Friday night.

Having been repulsed by the economic integration that it sought with the European Union, Turkey is more and more gravitating towards putting its economic eggs within a Eurasian basket. Turkey is once again warming to what is referred to as the Balkan Stream Megaproject, a Russian-based project to link central Europe and western Eurasia in an energy pipeline nexus from the Baltic Sea in the north to the Mediterranean in the South.
At the same time Turkish-Russian relations rebounded, tensions between Turkey and Israel lessened as well. Washington’s two key strategic allies had gotten into a diplomatic tiff (it was never more than that) after Israeli commandos attacked the MV Mavi Marmara attempting to bring humanitarian aid and to break the Israeli-Egyptian blockade of Gaza. Ten died and several dozen participants on the ship were wounded or injured. But less than a month ago, on June 27, 2016, a new deal was announced in Ankara by Israeli Prime Minister Binali Yildirim. My reading of the deal is that Israel, anxious to break out of its regional isolation has agreed to most of the Turkey’s terms, including Turkish access to Gaza to build a hospital there.
Since the Iranian nuclear deal was reached last summer (July, 2015), Turkey and Iran have been quietly improving economic relations. Turkey is wooing Iran as a potentially lucrative market of trade and investment. Despite the fact that the two countries are on opposite sides of Syrian conflict, there are reports that the two countries have plans to increase trade over the next two years by $30 billion. That Iran hopes to maintain its good relations with Turkey can be seen in Teheran’s support of Erdogan’s crushing “the coup.” Iranian foreign minister (and University of Denver Korbel School of International Studies graduate) Mohammad Javad Zarif voiced support for Turkey’s “brave defense of democracy.”
Pepe Escobar’s Article in Asia Times
In an article entitled “Hell Hath No Fury Like A Teflon Sultan” Pepe Escobar, writing for The Asian Times (and republished elsewhere) talks in detail about the unfolding of the Turkish coup. A little about Escobar before proceeding. Pepe Escobar is a Brazilian journalist whose specialty is global political developments, otherwise known as geo-politics. He writes what might be called “Gonzo political economy” (a la Hunter Thompson). Funny and  irreverent, I have found that like British journalist and long time Middle East commentator, Robert Fisk, and former Indian diplomat, Bhadrakumar Melkulangara, he is always worth reading. Escobar seems to have pretty good sources “with the powers that be” (like Seymour Hersh) and that if he is not on the mark, he is close.
According to Escobar, although the origins of the coup attempt – or is it “coup attempt” – remain murky, what is emerging from the chaos is that Erdogan is engineering a geo-political shift in Turkey’s politics that could have far-reaching consequences. The problem here is NOT that the U.S. engages in conspiracies. A good part of U.S. foreign policy – the dark side, that is – is filled with them. The problem is teasing out the genuine conspiracies from the bogus ones.
At this point there are two contradictory explanations (probably more actually) to what happened. One line of reasoning is that this whole episode is little more than what is called “a false flag” operation initiated by Erdogan himself to purge his internal enemies so that he can pursue his shift in regional policy without internal opposition. The other explanation is that the coup is the work of the C.I.A. (and thus the Obama Administration) working through well-financed Turkish Muslim in political exile in the United States Fethullah Gulem, who engineered the coup because Erdogan is drifting away from playing the role the United States wants him to play (i.e., shifting position on Syria, disagreements over the Kurds, the Eurasian drift.)
It is still too early to tell which of these scenarios, in whole or in part, are valid, i.e., what did happen in Turkey these past days and why. But what is less debatable is the geopolitical shift that Erdogan is attempting to engineer, although the extent of the shift and what it means to Turkey’s relations with the United States and NATO are still up in the air.
The essence of Escobar article are the following points:
[list="box-sizing: border-box; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 25px; padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px;"]
[*]That the preliminary evidence suggests that the coup was something of a staged operation in which Erdogan had a hand – Escobar gives many examples of his suspicions. He is careful though NOT to openly call it an Erdogan-engineered conspiracy, although the evidence presented in the article certainly suggests as much. Melkulangara’s first post-coup analyses seem to point in the same direction.
[*]Escobar downplays the role of Fetullah Gulen, the Obama Administration and the C.I.A. in orchestrating the coup, although he does not rule it out. If the Obama Administration was involved, he thinks, it is because of the split in the ruling class between the Obama Administration itself and “the Beltway/Neo-Con/CIA axis” – in which the differing elements of the U.S. global power structure are actually working against one another.

An interesting and from where I am sitting, not incredible, hypothesis.
All this suggests that the origins of the coup continue to remain murky although, regardless, its consequences are becoming clearer – a geopolitical shift in Turkey’s regional political role that is bound to cause tensions with Washington and NATO – and has already forced Turkey to mend fences with Russia, Israel and Iran. The question remains to be seen – a minor shift or something actually pulling Turkey into new geopolitical waters.
Rob Prince is a retired Senior Lecturer of International Studies at the University of Denver’s Korbel School of International Studies. He frequently writes about economic and political developments in North Africa, especially Algeria and Tunisia. He blogs at View from the Left Bank.

Mesaje : 10767
Data de înscriere : 05/11/2012

Sus In jos

CARE - Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan Empty There’s more to Turkey’s failed coup than meets the eye

Mesaj Scris de Admin Mier Iul 20, 2016 9:24 pm

Russian President Vladimir Putin did on Sunday what no major western leader from the NATO member countries cared to do when he telephoned his Turkish counterpart Recep Erdogan to convey his sympathy, goodwill and best wishes for the latter’s success in restoring constitutional order and stability as soon as possible after the attempted coup Friday night.
The US Secretary of State John Kerry instead made an overnight air dash to Brussels to have a breakfast meeting on Monday with the EU foreign ministers to discuss a unified stance on the crisis in Turkey. The French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault was in an angry mood ahead of the breakfast, saying “questions” have arisen as to whether Turkey is any longer a “viable” ally. He voiced “suspicions” over Turkey’s intentions and insisted that European backing for Erdogan against the coup was not a “blank cheque” for him to suppress his opponents.
The US has expressed displeasure regarding the Turkish allegations of an American hand in the failed coup. Indeed, the Turkish allegation has no precedent in NATO’s 67-year old history – of one member plotting regime change in another member country through violent means. Clearly, US and Turkey are on a collision course over the extradition of the Islamist preacher Fethullah Gulen living in exile in Pennsylvania whom the Turkish government has named as the key plotter behind the coup. Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim has warned that Ankara will regard the US as an “enemy” if it harbored Gulen. The dramatic developments expose the cracks appearing in the western alliance system. (See the commentary in the Russian news agency Sputnik entitled NATO R.I.P (1949-2016): Will Turkey-US Rift Over Gulen Destroy Alliance?)
Interestingly, the senior Turkish army officials detained so far include the following:

  • Commander of the Incirlik air base (and 10 of his subordinates) where NATO forces are located and 90 percent of the US’ tactical nuclear weapons in Europe are stored;
  • Army Commander in charge of the border with Syria and Iraq;
  • Corps Commander who commands the NATO contingency force based in Istanbul; and,
  • Former military attaches in Israel and Kuwait.

Most certainly, the needle of suspicion points toward the Americans having had some knowledge of the coup beforehand. Two F-16 aircraft and two ‘tankers’ to provide mid-air refuelling for them and used in the coup attempt actually took off from Incirlik.
Of course, Ankara has been wary of the US and France establishing military bases in northern Syria with the support of local Kurdish tribes, which it suspected would be a stepping stone leading to the creation of a ‘Kurdistan’. (The advisor on foreign affairs to Iran’s supreme leader, Ali Akbar Velayati, who is an influential figure in Tehran alleged on Sunday that the US is attempting to create a Kurdistan state carved out of neighboring countries with Kurdish population, which will be a “second Israel” in the Middle East to serve Washington’s regional interests.)
Today, the famous Saudi whistleblower known as ‘Mujtahid’ has come out with a sensational disclosure that the UAE played a role in the coup and had kept Saudi Arabia in the loop. Also, the deposed ruler of Qatar Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani (who is a close friend of Erdogan) has alleged that the US, another Western country (presumably France) had staged the coup and that Saudi Arabia was involved in it. (here and here) Meanwhile, word has leaked to the media that in a closed-door briefing to the Iranian parliament on Sunday, Foreign Minister Mohammad Zarif hinted at Saudi and Qatari involvement in the coup.
Putin’s phone call to Erdogan suggests the possibility that Russian and Turkish intelligence are keeping in touch. The two leaders have agreed to meet shortly.
The timing of the coup attempt – following the failure of the US push to establish a NATO presence in the Black Sea and in the wake of the Russian-Turkish rapprochement – becomes significant. Equally, the signs of shift in Turkey’s interventionist policies in Syria would have unnerved the US and its regional allies.
Israel, Saudi Arabia and Qatar have a great deal to lose if Turkey establishes ties with Syria, which is on the cards. Thus, stopping Erdogan on his tracks has become an urgent imperative for these countries. The spectre of the Syrian government regaining control over the country’s territory haunts Israel, which has been hoping that a weakened and fragmented Syria would work to its advantage to permanently annex the occupied territories in the Golan Heights. Again, Turkey’s abandonment of the ‘regime change’ agenda in Syria means a geopolitical victory for Iran. On the contrary, a triumphant and battle-hardened Hezbollah next door means that its vast superiority in conventional military strength will be rendered even more irrelevant in countering the resistance movement. Significantly, Israel is keeping stony silence.
Will the US and its regional allies simply throw in the towel or will they bide their time to make a renewed bid to depose Erdogan? That is the big question. Erdogan’s popularity is soaring sky-high today within Turkey. He can be trusted to complete the ‘vetting’ process to purge the Gulenists ensconced in the state apparatus and the armed forces. The meeting of the High Military Council due in August to decide on the retirement, promotions and transfers of the military top brass gives Erdogan the free hand to remove the Gulenists.
M. K. Bhadrakumar is the former career diplomat in the Indian Foreign Service.

Mesaje : 10767
Data de înscriere : 05/11/2012

Sus In jos

CARE - Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan Empty Turkish Coup Plot Had Saudi-UAE Support, Was Stopped Due To Early Discovery By Sultan's Loyalists

Mesaj Scris de Admin Mier Iul 20, 2016 9:33 pm

CARE - Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan Ksa%2Bturkey
The collapsing monarchy of Saudi Arabia is afraid of the political threat represented by a popular and democratically elected Muslim Brotherhood regime in Turkey.

It seems that my early hunch was correct: today Mujtahid of Saudi Arabia confirms that the Saudi regime and the UAE regime were directly involved in the Turkish coup and that UAE supplied millions to Gulen movement, and that UAE and Saudi media (including Al-Arabiyya) were part of the propaganda tools of the coup according to the plot.

An excerpt from, "What went wrong with Turkey's WhatsApp coup" By Metin Gurcan, Al-Monitor, July 19, 2016: 
The basic reason the coup failed was its premature birth.How? First, the coup was planned for a later date but was moved up. Then the rescheduled coup, which was to have started at 3 a.m. July 16, was moved up yet again by five hours, to around 10 p.m. July 15, after the coup attempt was discovered.

Well-placed sources in Ankara who spoke to Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity said coup forces were an assortment of members of the so-called Fethullah Gulen Terror Organization (FETO) — secularists who oppose the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) government and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan; pragmatists who joined the plotters for career advancement and personal interests; soldiers who had to join under pressure or blackmail; and lower-ranking soldiers who couldn’t defy orders because of the TSK's absolute-obedience culture. The plan failed because they took action before the planned time. Why did they act so hastily?

The primary reason was because they knew the forthcoming Supreme Military Council, which decides on promotions and appointments of TSK generals and admirals, was set to convene the first week of August. Last year, in an Aug. 3 article for Al-Monitor titled "Shakeup expected for Turkish military leadership," I had written that one of the most important missions of newly appointed Chief of General Staff Gen. Hulusi Akar would be to combat the Gulenists in the TSK, and that there were several lists circulating with names of such officers. The AKP government was favoring a purge of these officers, while the military command was advocating a phased, deliberate process based on solid evidence.

FETO partisans in the TSK had gotten away relatively unscathed from the 2015 council meeting, but there were sure signs that this year would be different.

Why the night of July 15? Former four-star air force Commander Gen. Akin Ozturk, now accused of leading the coup, knew that the current head of the air force, Gen. Abidin Unal, and other key air force generals would all be at a wedding, which would give the air force freedom to act against the government.

Reports said the coup leaders had informed all participating unitsthat they would launch operations at 5 a.m., and that as of 6 a.m. there would be a nationwide curfew.

Al-Monitor’s sources said coup leaders had planned to move at 3 a.m. to take over by 5 a.m., when people would be asleep and streets would be empty. But this didn’t work. Around 4 p.m. July 15, 11 hours before the coup was to start, the national intelligence service MIT learned from radio and telephone intercepts of TSK personnel known to be Gulenists that some units were gearing up. MIT informed the chief of general staff at 5 p.m. At a meeting at the chief of general staff headquarters, officials decided to close Turkish air space to all flights as of 6 p.m. and bar military units from leaving their barracks. While that order was being written, Land Forces Commander Gen. Salih Zeki Colak was called to the general staff headquarters.

Mesaje : 10767
Data de înscriere : 05/11/2012

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CARE - Lovitura de stat a lui Onan si pizdificarea lui Erdogan sultan Empty Secret Turkish intelligence source: Erdogan rebelled against NATO but won after taking control of nuclear bombs

Mesaj Scris de Admin Mier Iul 20, 2016 9:40 pm

Leonid Timoshin
Translated from Russian by Kristina Kharlova
While some insist that the attempt to topple Recep Tayyip Erdogan's - ambitious and bloody, was staged, others (primarily in Turkey) believe that the leader of their state almost lost his life due to rapprochement with Russia. An expert on the Middle East, head of Lev Gumilev Center, Pavel Zarifullin told "Komsomolskaya Pravda" what secret intel he received from Turkey from a local high-ranking and well-informed friends. Their information says one thing - the coup was prepared with the help of our overseas "partners".


- Pavel, who are these people - who gave you information from inside Turkey? In light of recent crackdown how do you keep in touch with them?

- It is the elite of Turkish society, with whom I have been associated due to work for many years. Some of my colleagues were jailed by Erdogan back in 2007, but that's another story. Now I communicate with one of the famous Turkish professors, a consultant to local intelligence services. His name, of course, I will not disclose. He, like thousands of others, is walking on the edge - there is the same crackdown as in 1937 under Stalin. We correspond in a private chat room with coded messages. He is a supporter of Turkey's accession to the Eurasian Union, not the EU. And there are many influential people with similar views. Government, academia and those in security services have no doubt that the coup was prepared by Americans. Like all the previous ones in this country, since 1960. The military has always interfered in political process and acted in coordination with Americans.

- What did he tell you?

- Here's a quote: "The West, hoping to get control of the country through a military coup, as in Egypt, at first supported the coup. The putschists were not able to succeed without outside help. Only the West did not calculate that Turkish people do not accept any undemocratic process". Under the West he means primarily the United States. But it is possible that the Germans had a hand in this - they also pressured Erdogan. Don't forget, the Bundestag - the German Parliament - did not even recognize the genocide of Armenians by the Turks.


- I don't understand why the US and Germany need this coup?

- It is no secret. The main reason is rapprochement with Russia. Here's another quote from the correspondence with my source: "EU and NATO were unhappy with Turkey's rapprochement with Israel and Russia. The United States was irritated by the announcement in Turkey of Kurdish separatists in Syria being a terrorist organization while USA supported them. The positions of Ankara and Washington differed on Iraq and Syria. In dealing with refugee crisis the EU blamed Turkey, believing that it should block the flow of refugees at any cost."

- That is the coup was overdue. From the outside. Is there information about how it was prepared?

- The nucleus of the coup was the American Incirlik air force base in Turkey (located on the Mediterranean coast, a few hundred kilometers from the border with Syria, allows to control the Middle East. - Ed.). Chief of the base, Turkish General Bekir Ercan Van is now arrested (the base was also used for Turkish aircraft - after all the country is a member of NATO. - Ed.). All the main characters are from there. According to my insider information, the US Ambassador to Turkey John Bass (he had previously served in Georgia and there also conducted the anti-Russian policy) met several times with the former commander of the air force and the leader of the coup Akin Ozturk and the head of the base under the pretext of discussing relations with the Kurds in Syria and Iraq. The Turkish military - in general are mostly graduates of NATO military institutions, are pro-American. As interrogations show, the current conspirators, among whom were the top and the second echelon, received serious guarantees from the military and diplomatic leadership of the United States. They were promised asylum in the base in case of failure.


- And were cheated?

- No. But the Turks were ready to take the base by storm, but at the beginning just cut off power supply. But there were nuclear weapons stored!

This has never happened before! Therefore, the Americans agreed not to interfere with arrests at the Turkish part of the base. Such unpublished information was passed on by our source. And the silly staging hypothesis is actively pushed just in the West. Even though just the number of dead and wounded (after a night of the coup 290 people are dead, nearly 1,500 wounded. - Ed.) shows how serious this is.

- Is the opposition preacher Gulen, residing in USA, whose extradition is demanded by Erdogan, lying, he had nothing to do with it?

- It is another American "column" which, of course, is also used. Here's what my source wrote in his last message (we talked on the night of July 20):

"They (Putin and Erdogan. - Ed.) should meet as quickly as possible. Here everyone can't stop talking about this meeting. USA have done everything and are doing everything to prevent it. Including the coup so the leaders don't talk. We (the Eurasianists of Turkey. - Ed.) see the country's salvation in this meeting with Putin." I hope that repressions will not touch my expert, and he along with the other Turks will attend our Eurasian conference in Ankara immediately after the meeting of the presidents of Russia and Turkey. Today there is more and more talk about leaving NATO. Erdogan is better to go this route and become the Islamic Hugo Chavez. Otherwise he'll have to prepare for the next coup attempt. 


Igor Korotchenko, chief editor of the magazine "National Defense":

- I have no confidence to assert that the coup was prepared by the Americans. But the fact that they knew about it (taking into account the capabilities of the CIA and NSA) and were interested in it, that's for sure. Just they did not warn Erdogan, hoping that the victory of the coup will be good for them. The "Incirlik" base houses Americans and that means there are CIA employees. I have not been there myself and can't say about security and defense and how it is provided with backup power. But it is impossible to cut off power to our [Russian] air bases, even if you shut off electricity.

Victor BARANETS, "KP" military observer:

- According to various estimates, "Incirlik" airbase is home to up to 100 American nuclear bombs. Electricity is really needed to monitor the status of ammunition, for their protection. In the event of an accident diesel engines are automatically turned on. But they cannot operate indefinitely. If Americans were cut off from the fuel supply, there could be a very serious trouble. Despite the fact that the base commander was a Turk, he gave the order to shut off only the Turkish part of "Incirlik". You have to understand that it houses American and Turkish aircraft, and during operations there are planes from the UK, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Qatar. However, at the time of the coup they were not there.

Let me remind you that the commander of the base, Turkish General Van asked for asylum in the United States but was refused. If he was granted asylum, it would immediately become obvious that the US is somehow sympathetic to the coup, and maybe had a hand in this. However, when the arrests were carried out in the Turkish part of the base, the flights resumed, electricity was reinstated to the Turkish part of the airbase, and the base began to function normally.

Mesaje : 10767
Data de înscriere : 05/11/2012

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