Ce n’est plus une guerre contre Israël, mais une guerre contre les juifs
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Ce n’est plus une guerre contre Israël, mais une guerre contre les juifs
Among the murders, attacks, attacks perpetrated in the West Bank and Jerusalem in recent days, one of them more than others, this thesis demonstrates anti-Semitism before antisionisme.e.
At the time of new violence in the West Bank and Jerusalem, looms third intifada or a war more than 42.7% of Palestinians expected one, who believes that Israelis "pollute their land and holy places" - interview by AFP as Following the lead of Abbas, who used the terms "Sully their dirty feet" (sic).
Shmuel Trigano, a specialist in Hebrew tradition and contemporary Judaism, Hebrew world Observatory president believes that it is more a war against Israel, but against Judaism, against the Jewish religion.
For his part, Pierre-André Taguieff, political scientist, writer and director of research at CNRS, recently published in the newspaper Le Monde an article about underestimating Semitism of intellectuals French, where we discover that, watching Islamophobia and right wing and getting acute propalestinisme did not see coming wave anti-Hebrew relating inter alia to Muslim immigration culture. Yeah, no offense to Mr. Plenel and his book-advocacy for Muslims.
And this phenomenon is likely to increase with the influx of Muslim refugees from Germany, from regions notoriously hostile to Israel and the Jews, Syrians, has grown from an early age in this hatred. German Jews have expressed concern about this from Angela Merkel, fearing strengthening antisemitic views within the Arab community. Some even consider the nightmare of a Turkish or Turkish-Syrian Germany.
Among the murders, attacks, attacks perpetrated in the West Bank and Jerusalem in recent days, one of them more than others, this thesis demonstrates anti-Semitism before Zionism. Saturday, 03/10, a family was attacked in East Jerusalem, stabbed parents, and one of the two injured children. While the father was dying on the ground, injured mother tried to scape.Ce happened next is worthy acts committed against Jews in Europe during World War II:
"The young Arabs who watched the attack insulted and laughed. One of them slapped me. Another told me to die," said Adele Benet, family victim of the mother. "I was screaming" Please, help me! "And they just spit on me," but she has confessed, referring to Arab traders at the scene.
These behaviors are not that soldiers, terrorists, molesters, as part of a war, attacks, scuffles, no, it means that allow Quidam Palestinian mother of fate and injured children in the street. Do not imagine for a moment a Palestinian mother and her two small children wounded in the streets of Tel Aviv, abandoned to their own fate after an attack by extremists Hebrew? It is impossible, Israelis have always raised against any aggression by extremist Palestinians.
Civilians against civilians, men against women and children in danger on the battlefield, cold, without any challenge. No, someone passed all limits.
Aid, assistance to people in danger, "women and children" first principles are universal; refuses to people because they are Hebrew proves that we are back to a virulent antisemitism, which has nothing to envy to those that prevailed during Hitler.
Seventy years after the destruction of six million European Hebrew. Birthday disastrous.
[*] Poll (2015) leads by The Ierusalim media şi comunicaţii Centre (Centrul of comunicaţii of the media and of Ierusalim)
At the time of new violence in the West Bank and Jerusalem, looms third intifada or a war more than 42.7% of Palestinians expected one, who believes that Israelis "pollute their land and holy places" - interview by AFP as Following the lead of Abbas, who used the terms "Sully their dirty feet" (sic).
Shmuel Trigano, a specialist in Hebrew tradition and contemporary Judaism, Hebrew world Observatory president believes that it is more a war against Israel, but against Judaism, against the Jewish religion.
For his part, Pierre-André Taguieff, political scientist, writer and director of research at CNRS, recently published in the newspaper Le Monde an article about underestimating Semitism of intellectuals French, where we discover that, watching Islamophobia and right wing and getting acute propalestinisme did not see coming wave anti-Hebrew relating inter alia to Muslim immigration culture. Yeah, no offense to Mr. Plenel and his book-advocacy for Muslims.
And this phenomenon is likely to increase with the influx of Muslim refugees from Germany, from regions notoriously hostile to Israel and the Jews, Syrians, has grown from an early age in this hatred. German Jews have expressed concern about this from Angela Merkel, fearing strengthening antisemitic views within the Arab community. Some even consider the nightmare of a Turkish or Turkish-Syrian Germany.
Among the murders, attacks, attacks perpetrated in the West Bank and Jerusalem in recent days, one of them more than others, this thesis demonstrates anti-Semitism before Zionism. Saturday, 03/10, a family was attacked in East Jerusalem, stabbed parents, and one of the two injured children. While the father was dying on the ground, injured mother tried to scape.Ce happened next is worthy acts committed against Jews in Europe during World War II:
"The young Arabs who watched the attack insulted and laughed. One of them slapped me. Another told me to die," said Adele Benet, family victim of the mother. "I was screaming" Please, help me! "And they just spit on me," but she has confessed, referring to Arab traders at the scene.
These behaviors are not that soldiers, terrorists, molesters, as part of a war, attacks, scuffles, no, it means that allow Quidam Palestinian mother of fate and injured children in the street. Do not imagine for a moment a Palestinian mother and her two small children wounded in the streets of Tel Aviv, abandoned to their own fate after an attack by extremists Hebrew? It is impossible, Israelis have always raised against any aggression by extremist Palestinians.
Civilians against civilians, men against women and children in danger on the battlefield, cold, without any challenge. No, someone passed all limits.
Aid, assistance to people in danger, "women and children" first principles are universal; refuses to people because they are Hebrew proves that we are back to a virulent antisemitism, which has nothing to envy to those that prevailed during Hitler.
Seventy years after the destruction of six million European Hebrew. Birthday disastrous.
[*] Poll (2015) leads by The Ierusalim media şi comunicaţii Centre (Centrul of comunicaţii of the media and of Ierusalim)
Ultima editare efectuata de catre Admin in Vin Oct 09, 2015 12:54 am, editata de 1 ori
Re: Ce n’est plus une guerre contre Israël, mais une guerre contre les juifs
Printre crimele, atacurile, atacurile comise în Cisiordania și Ierusalimul în ultimele zile, unul dintre ei, mai mult decât altele, această teză demonstrează antisemitismul înainte antisionisme.e.
La momentul de noi violențe în Cisiordania și Ierusalimul, războaie de țesut treime intifada sau un război mai mult de așteptat de 42,7% din palestinieni 1, care consideră că israelienii "poluează locurile lor de teren și sfinte" - interviu de AFP, ca urmare a conduce în această a Mahmoud Abbas, care a folosit termenii "Sully picioarele lor murdare" (sic).
Shmuel Trigano, un specialist în tradiția evreiască și iudaism contemporan, președintele Observatorului lumii evreiești, consideră că este mai mult un război împotriva lui Israel, ci împotriva iudaismului, împotriva religie iudaică.
La rîndul său, Pierre-André Taguieff, politolog, scriitor și director de cercetare la CNRS, publicat recent în ziarul Le Monde un articol despre subestimarea antisemitismului de intelectualitatea franceză, în cazul în care descoperim că o, cu ochii pe islamofobiei și extrema dreaptă, și obținerea propalestinisme acute, nu am văzut venind val anti-evreiești legate, printre altele, la cultura musulmană a imigrației. Da, fără supărare domnului Plenel și lui carte-de advocacy pentru musulmani.
Și acest fenomen este probabil să crească cu un aflux de refugiați musulmani din Germania, de la regiuni de notorietate ostile Israel și evreii, sirienii, a crescut de la o vârstă fragedă în această ură. Evreii germani și-au exprimat îngrijorarea cu privire la acest lucru de la Angela Merkel, temându-se o consolidare vederi antisemite în cadrul comunității arabe. Unii considera chiar coșmarul unui Germania turco-siriene sau turc.
Printre crimele, atacurile, atacurile comise în Cisiordania și Ierusalimul în ultimele zile, unul dintre ei, mai mult decât altele, această teză demonstrează antisemitismul înainte sionismul. Sâmbătă 03/10, o familie a fost atacat în Ierusalimul de Est, înjunghiat părinții, și una dintre cele două copii răniți. În timp ce tatăl era pe moarte pe teren, mama rănit a încercat să scape.Ce sa întâmplat mai departe este demn de acte comise împotriva evreilor în Europa în timpul al doilea război mondial:
"Tinerii arabi care au vizionat atacul și am râs insultat. Unul dintre ei mi-a pălmuit. Un alt mi-a spus să mor ", a declarat Adele Benet, familie victimă a mamei." Am fost tipa "Te rog, ajută-mă!" Și ei doar scuipat pe mine ", ea are dar a mărturisit, referindu-se la negustorii arabi la locul faptei.
Aceste comportamente nu sunt faptul de soldați, teroriști, molestează, ca parte a unui război, atacuri, încăierări, nu, este Quidam palestinian mijloace care permit o mama de soarta și a rănit copiii în stradă. Nu vă imaginați pentru un moment o mamă palestinian și cei doi copii mici răniți pe străzile din Tel Aviv, a abandonat la propria soartă după un atac de extremiști evrei? Este imposibil, israelienii au ridicat întotdeauna împotriva oricărei agresiuni de extremiste palestinieni.
Civili împotriva civililor, bărbați împotriva femeilor și copiilor în pericol, de pe câmpul de luptă, la rece, fără nici provocare. Nu, cineva a trecut toate limitele.
Ajutorul, asistență persoanelor aflate în pericol, "femeile și copiii" sunt primele principii universale; refuză să oameni, deoarece acestea sunt evrei dovedește că ne-am întors la un antisemitism virulent, care nu are nimic de invidiat la cei care au predominat în perioada de Hitler.
Șaptezeci de ani după distrugerea șase milioane de evrei din Europa. Ziua de nastere dezastruos.
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